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Status Updates posted by shadowkraata08

  1. Hmm, well I do have the receipt as well as a certificate of mailing...

    If it doesn't arrive by August 1, PM me.

  2. Ay, and I'm heading off to college =/

  3. That's not good. BZPower had some downtimes.

  4. Eh..not much. I've improved my collection, as well as sold some major rare stuff. BZPower has encountered things too.

  5. No, just waiting a reply.

  6. Hey, do you still trade?

  7. Welcome to BZPower! Hope you have a fine time here. :)

  8. I will PM you when I receive. :)

  9. It's fine, I guess. As long as I get it, you're still an awesome trader. :)

  10. You're right - it's just like the other tests. Except weighted more.

  11. Eh, it's not like it was hard. 25 questions for the day and that was it.

  12. Primary exams from Private School. I wish I didn't have to. :(

  13. I'm sending Monday, because this past week has been killer for me => Primary exams. :(

  14. Haha, I want to Moc it if possible. ;)

  15. Yes, I *actually do know* where you live (we traded before, remember?). I am really nine years old. However, my brother helps me with trades, too, so no surprise.

  16. I *really* have no clue. I just thought it was cool and random.

  17. Pretty much. Rice is good, though. ;)

  18. dem tree tooh tree: Asian pride :)

  19. Happy Birthday, Velox. ;)

  20. I'm respected? By the staff members? No one ever told me before. My parents have always taught me discipline...and good grammar. :)

  21. Uh...yeah...why? Is that special?

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