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About Got_It_Made43

  • Birthday 11/20/1994

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    I live in your pajama droor.
  • Interests
    1. The most awesome thing on the planet.... Bionicles<br /><br />2. The second most awesome thing on the planet..... Football<br />In college I like the Florida Gators, and in the NFL my first favorite team is the best team in the league The Indianapollis Colts with the QB Peyton Manning RB's Joseph Adai and Dominic Rhodes WR's Reggie Wayne, Marvin Harrison, and Anthony Gonzalez TE Dallas Clark Safety Bob Sanders; and of course their new head coach Jim Caldwell. Then my second favorite team is the Ravens and their defensive men Ed Reed, Ray Lewis, Suggs, and Leonhard and rookie QB Joe Flacco.<br /><br />3. Animals are right in third. I have at my house four goats, three chickens, two Guinea Hens, eight ducks, three cats, a bearded dragon, and two rabbits. One of the rabbits whose name is Pedro is mine. I also own one of the ducks I have.<br /><br />4. My ducks name is Georgette who is just the most Duckiest!!!!!!!<br /><br />5. Fantasy Baseball is another of my big things but right now I am doing really bad. <br /><br />6. Fav. baseball team is the Boston Redsox who have Josh Beckett. and I cannot stand the Yankees they stink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br /><br />7. In Baskettball I am a huge Boston Celtics Fan we may not make the finals this year but we won last year GO BOSTON!!!!!

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  1. Yes Binary I want you to get me a pic of Kopeke with Yoda's light saber. Can you do that?

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