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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Teebert

  1. I have a feeling it'll be quite awhile before the next season is animated, since the "answer" arc of the VNs is only half finished, sadly.

  2. So, have ya finished Umineko yet?

  3. Yep. Saw the last episode the day it was made available.

  4. Ehhhhhhhhhh, gotta go with Battler as the favorite Umineko charrie. Followed shortly by Ronove and Virgilia.

  5. You now have a Bernkastel pic. You, sir, win.

  6. I honestly cannot say which season is my favorite, given how in the dark the viewer still is in Season 2. After it finishes, then I should be able to tell which would be my fave.

    Also, you win for watching Higurashi.

  7. Yep, I'm watching the second season. 'Tis where my personal pic came from. I started the manga, but I didn't really like the art in it, and I found the story a little confusing, so I dropped it. I might pick it back up though, since its set between seasons 1 and 2, to try and find hints as to some of the mysteries in season 2.

  8. July shut the Love Train down, that's what happened.

  9. Yeppers. I'm a DtB fan. I'm actually surprised that there's someone else on here who's a fan too.

  10. But Poppa...the cage is so cold...and you're not there to be with me!

  11. so i herd u dun liek munkeez

  12. *bows*

    I do my best.

  13. Which also answers the question. Heh. A question that answers itself.

  14. You mean "waaht happened to J.D.?" =P

  15. *shifty eyes*

    To not.

  16. Yesh. Yesh he is.

    Also...dang, you're good, with those clues.

    Hm.....*starts thinking of a way to trick you in some way or another*

  17. Thanks, but...am I really Teebs? Or am I really Vak? Bwah hah hah hah

  18. YES.

    That is a most brilliant idea. A thousand statements of gratitude, Dex. *changes location*

  19. Why yes, as a matter of fact, i do liek love trains

  20. so i herd u liek ballroom blitzes

  21. Hm...I think I'll whip out the Elf avatar a little closer to Christmas.

  22. Of course, as the series progressed, it was revealed that Shadowclan wasn't really a "bad guy". That's the one thing that constantly annoys me with Warriors. Shadowclan is constantly stereotyped as the bad guys, when really, they've just had a string of bad leaders. They're just as loyal as the other cats from different clans.

  23. In addition, on the topic of Shadowclan, I wasn't really puzzled by their inclusion, as it seemed at first that they were supposed to be the series primary antagonist.

  24. Nopers. No official Warriors topic.

  25. *nods*

    Of course, I at first found it unusual that there was a Thunderclan and not Fireclan. =P

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