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Gary Oak

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Status Updates posted by Gary Oak

  1. *Salutes* General, we have recently recieved word that GG has no clue what to do in the terms of 'Universe Conquering'.

  2. *Sees comment on Kachy's profile* Hmm...mwuheheh. *Frequently visits*

  3. *Sets T-800s to 'Kick yr butt' mode*

  4. *Shrugs* *Pulls out grenede, takes out pin and throws* :P

  5. *Shrugs* I've seen both. Just perfer T3, it was more then a 'OMGGOKILLTATDUDE!'. Had more of a plot.

  6. *sigh* Fine, we'll get you one. xP

  7. *Slaps EW* Get a hold of yourself! He still lets people call him Katy. :P

  8. *Slaps* I own you. *Owns* Ha ha. I own WSS too. :P

  9. *Slaps* I take it you don't like the Gman, ES6. *Shakes finger*

  10. *Slaps* I'm the Grievous fanboi!

  11. *Slaps* Stop spamming my profile!

  12. *Snaps knife in two fingers* *Kidnaps Disky and tears to shreds, then mails each piece to ya' one at a time* Call off the Brotherhood-type people or else Elem gets it...

  13. *Sneezes and wipes on Blade*

  14. *Sniff* If the real GG hadn't called in sick and made me, the stunt double do it...

  15. *Sniff* No... imma getting Heveanly Sword though. I just got it for XMas. :P

  16. *Sniff* No... Rock Band is like 200 bucks here and my parents don't let me play M-rated games yet...until I'm fifteen..

  17. *Squishes Keets-style*

  18. *Stomach explodes* GIMMEH MORE TOUGH GUY

  19. *Strangles DX* You're not helping...

  20. *Takes AK-47 and laces page with bullet holes*

  21. *Throws a PokeBall*

    Luxray my favourite Pokeeeee ^^,

  22. *Yawn* the sky.

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