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Posts posted by SoosTheTricoloredBilingual





    This is a MOC trying to recreate how Takanuva would look like in G2, trying to possess a balance between a solid custom build and functions.

    This build is based on Titans like Brutaka and Maxilos, while still being at the same levels of the Toa.








    Some critics that reviewed the Winter Wave of BIONICLE 2015 sets had one nitpick, the fact that parts of the skeletons were quite exposed (Tahu's lower legs, for example); I felt the need to experiment with many pieces as possible, in order to have an effective back armor.






    Since 2008, I've always felt like the Matoran and Toa of Light were alien-esque beings; thus I gave this Master of Light a few weird gimmicks. Along with the basic points of articulation, there are 2 extra points to the boosters (in order for this Toa to give himself some direction in mid-air, like the Av-Toran's backpacks but with its own advantages, limitations and purposes), this along with another articulation point in the middle of the abdomen, for a more limber anatomy.






    This last articulation point (as well as the torso skeleton as a whole) has the most time and dedication I've put to this proyect, for secondary mission I've set for this project was to outmatch the torso skeleton of the original CCB system introduced in 2011. This skeleton had the purpose to recreate the same articulation of the human skeleton.




    The weapons for the Master of Light are the Staff of Light as well as the Power Lance. The Staff of Light is all you get, it was quite simple and has more of a close-combat purpose, resembling a scythe. But the Power Lance (just like in G1) has the purpose to canalize and augment any elemental power; the transparent yellow are the effects the Master of Light has, but other Toa or elemental being can funnel different elements and thus the Power Lance could include different colors to represent their respective element.






    How about some little poses?






    I don't know how to end this on a high note (plus I don't understand certain concepts used in the bulding process), but I wanted to recognize this work as a conceptual experiment in order to share ideas that I feel could work not only in this reboot, but also on the CCB system as a whole. Please feel free to comment on this proyect and learn the least I could offer in order to ramp up the potential this building system has. Thank you.










    BONUS: Color scheme of Takanuva '08 (Shadow Leech Effect/Master of Light and Shadow)






    Ok, for real this time. Thanks for watching! ;P

    • Upvote 1
  2. If the Skulls as a whole are a Boss Rush, the combos, especially Grinder+Scorpio, seem to be One Winged Angel; Grinder tapping into the MoCr's power for a strength boost. I don't like the fact that Ekimu's parts are being used, though. I'd've preferred having the Ultimate Grinder be able to face off with Ekimu and the Toa. Although, who knows? Perhaps that could be the last challenge to claim the MoCr.

    If you saw the scanned comic (or at least, the front box-art), it's clear that the Skulls (except Grinder, which is the endgame boss) are an army.

  3. I was able to get to the Watford LEGO Store to pick up the new sets also. I decided to scan the comics in the instructions for everyone to enjoy:


    70791, 70792, 70793, 70794, 70795


    I know they are pretty much the same as the ones on the box, but I scanned these to fulfill a request from someone on another forum so figured I'd share them here too. Nice to have scanned copies I suppose!


    I know these are probably non-canon, but they do appear to explain why the masks we get are partly transparent. Notice how they are only transparent when the Villain is physically holding the mask in their hands/claws. Are the Skull Villains draining the Mask's power?

    Is it me? Or these comics dropped their quality in comparison with the Winter Wave's?

    • Upvote 1
  4. Makuta Miras, on 11 Oct 2014 - 12:16 PM, said:

    Haha, it's nice to see someone else thinking along the same lines as me!  :D I think you captured the hammers better than I did, although I think that the shoulder armour is a bit too bulky; maybe you could take one of the armour pieces off the top? Other than that, great work! :D

    Well, my issue is that the shoulder armor seen in the animation had three parts of armor that covered his sides and front of his arm. I didn't take these particular pieces because I had no other piece to use, I took them because I had no other building process in mind. I will make another revision of this work when I get more time to think about another build, hopefully better than the actual. Who knows? Maybe I'll have to wait for and update of the LDD and wish that there will be a new pack of efficient pieces. Until then, I will keep it like it is.

  5. First of all, I know that the user Makuta Miras did his own take on these characters before I took the chance to post mine, I just want you to consider this as a revision of his oeuvre, without any sort of destructive criticism. If you are reading these lines, I encourage you to keep doing amazing works such as your most recent one. Keep rockin', bro! ;D


    My version of the mask makers Ekimu and Makuta (which Makuta?) resembles more to the concept of the Protectors, judging by the fact that they aren't Toa/Masters; they are the promedium citizens of this world, the only difference being that they are blacksmiths bathed in gold.


    Without any futher a do, here they are:


     - Ekimu


     - Makuta


    Aside from Miras, I send shotouts to NickonAquaMagna and Bionicle Blog Shinobi.jp for their amazing gear function concepts. Nice work!

    And thanks to LEGO for remaking BIONICLE and sharing it's new animation webseries.


    Feel free to comment and give your opinion on this work, I truly appreciate it! Cya.

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