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BrassEXE Toa of Gold

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Blog Entries posted by BrassEXE Toa of Gold

  1. BrassEXE Toa of Gold
    I now have almost every card in Ryuusei 1 in my card library soon very soon shall i take down the final form of Andromeda! all i need to do is get four more cards and after im done with this i shall try and get Ryuusei2 just to see how it is....i hope it wasn't badly dubbed like a few of there other rockman games.

    P.S. Gemini Spark is a pain to S rank man i need more wood chips....i mean cards. >_>
  2. BrassEXE Toa of Gold
    I am talking of course about Gemini Spark the most awesome yet evil boss in Ryuusei no Rockman one. after claiming the SP card i now have had nothing but good luck and hope to beat the game by the end of the day....all i need to do is beat DragonSkySP and Andromeda Infinity which is going to be a slight pain but i can beat them....i hope. Now all i need to do is get a pie and Battle Network 3 and i will claim this the best day ever!
  3. BrassEXE Toa of Gold
    so far im impressed by this game due to it bringing back the panel braking from Battle Network and the fact that the way the transformations go its looking good. With the main plot so far revealed driven by a meteor that might destroy the world feels to much like Battle Network 4 which i really didnt like because of the evil that was Duo and you had to beat the game three times just to get everything which if they do in this game i will be very sad. All in all it looks to be better then ryuusei 1 and i havent played ryuusei 2 so i can't judge yet but i hope to play it soon. Oh and they finally got rid of that annoying plug-in phrase no more dempa henkan Hoshikawa Subaru on air! so far im super exicted about this one but i need to play ryuusei 2 too see how much has changed from ryuusei 1 too ryuusei 2.

    P.S. i demand comments! that is all! also note that Ryuusei no Rockman 3 is isnt out in japan yet and i have only based this entry off of the trailer and pics i have seen
  4. BrassEXE Toa of Gold
    well for one week i get this blog which is awesome but in that time i shall make like a entry a day or more! Now for the subject of this entry in the past few days i have been playing slight amounts of Diamond and Pearl which i find relaxes and so far i have had some awesome luck in it i found out that my Togekiss that i have retrained has max IVs in special defence and and HP all in the past two weeks. i have also been working on a few teams for Pokemon Diamond but am too lazy to complete them or even start to work on them. um most of what i post here will most likely be Pokemon,Megaman,or gold related so until my next entry which might be later today i bid you farwell!

    P.S. don't touch my battle chips because Megaman needs those.
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