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Vamprah9588- Omega of Fire

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Posts posted by Vamprah9588- Omega of Fire

  1. put phinto in a comic of yours?im autistic...put phinto in a comic of yours?<p>im autistic...%2put phinto in a comic of yours?<p>im autistic...%2

    Autism is no reason to have bad grammar. I have aspergers, which is a form of autism and I rarely have mistakes.It's also not a reason to not read. He's not having GSes or PGSes out of the blue. You have to pm, and I don't think DJ would be willing at this moment. That's how I see it.
  2. Around my 7th or 8th comic, as I need some time to get used to using them.I noticed something when I color them, a white outline appears around the edges of the part. Any way I could fix that?

    that's because there are different shades surrounding it. take your base sprite, paste it in a new paint, and fill the background with a random color. then, color the white with the color you chose, fill the chosen color with white, and it's fixed.Source: experienced it a lot on school projects.
  3. I don't ever really celebrate valentines day, besides. Who cares about that lovey dovey stuff when eat as much chocolate as you like? :lol:

    I feel somewhat the same. I don't really have any mental need for an emotional companion, and I don't really do anything in exchange.
  4. Thanks Kodrak!Sorry for the delay in posting the comic, I'm having some computer issues right now. :(

    I -think- I know how you feel. I run on a dell laptop, which has a bad battery and a transformer so damaged so that together, I can't take it anywhere. Also, my computer shuts off randomly.
  5. Hey, y'know; some guys here said that the pixel stuff looks a bit eye paining,(it does kinda) but I'm pretty good at drawing and I could handdraw you some sprites ^_^(Two positions for each mask, two positions for the bodies, legs arms etc is what you need I guess.In clean B&W for easy filling with MSPaint)What do you say?

    Gravity, whatever you do, do not turn this down..
  6. I second the criticism comment. Although not really a newbie, as I've been making other hand drawn comics for a while, this is my first digital series. None taken. Everything that people post (as long as its not flaming) is helpful for me.

    Well, I meant the newbie comment in general. How do you think Gavla started out?I relate to the drawn comics part. well, not comics, but drawing altogether.EDIT- Also, an idea is to refrain from pain and stupidity humor on their own, and try to mix thing up a bit. The thing that set me off on dark was that he had either A pain joke, or a stupidity joke. What I mean is if your character got into trouble by forgetting something, or not thinking it through, it could lead to funny situations.Also, read up on some dry humor. This'll hopefully get you a better audience.
  7. Well, I see their personalities copy Dark709, who, at the risk at enraging most of the comics forum by saying this, wasn't that funny. Also, if you insist on using chimoru, please use a higher quality. The old two-shade chimoru is an eyesore compared to six-shade and sigma.

    1a No plagiarism is present. The characters may resemble Dark's, but they are different enough to be dubbed original.2 You don't think he's funny. Just because you think something doesn't mean it's true/others agree as a whole. ;}1b Not every comic maker can start out just knowing how to shade those, or even knowing they exist. Cut him some slack as a starter, please.
    1a- I completely understand that, I'm saying its not a good idea to simply modify them and call it. They need to be original.1b- I would, but have you seen nearly every starter? They always choose two-shade, and revere dark as the only comic inspiration, not even looking at anyone else.2- May I explain that I meant to say that in my own opinion? It's just not my humor.Also, note that most criticism has helped newbies drastically.

    Yes the two shade isn't all that good, but I'm limited to my software and computing power, unfortunatly.I was inspired by Dark709 to make these comics, so I would actually take as a complement that they are like his.New comic coming soon!

    Well, if you'd like an upgrade, I'd be happy to help.EDIT- I'm sorry, that might come off as rude, no offense to what you're doing now.
  8. Well, I see their personalities copy Dark709, who, at the risk at enraging most of the comics forum by saying this, wasn't that funny. Also, if you insist on using chimoru, please use a higher quality. The old two-shade chimoru is an eyesore compared to six-shade and sigma.

  9. I agree, much less hassle. Still, you're my co author, so any time you want, you can make comics...You don't have to though.

    Oh, that's nice to know. Unfortunately, I lost GIMP when my computer failed.
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