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Blog Entries posted by ~Blacklight~

  1. ~Blacklight~
    Well, after 3 days of having a Sore Throat, I went to the Docter. Apparently, I have as close to Strep Throat as possible without actually having it. I also have an Ear Infection in both ears, bad enough that I MAY lose hearing in, and since it hurt to lay on them, I was awake until 6:30 this morning before I went to bed, so I'm really tired. This means I have to swallw pills (Which I can't do, so I have to chew it-EEWWW!!!!!) It also hurts to sneeze. To top it off, I have this awful headache, and I have 2 days before school starts.....
  2. ~Blacklight~
    Hello Everyone! This is my 1st time using a Blog, so excuse me if I don't know what todo. I'm proud to say that I've both recently became a Premeir Member and a Seeker........what ever that is. As you might notice, I like using Smilies. See? It's VERY entertaining.
  3. ~Blacklight~
    Well, I had my 1st day of 8th Grade today. It was actually kinda pleasant...No homework, really nice teachers, back seat of bus. This year should be fun...
  4. ~Blacklight~
    As most can see, I've changed my sig to a Ussal Crab. My old one is at the bottom of this entry. (It's also my way of saving it for later. )If any of you guys can think of anyone of significance to add in there, please tell me.
    Lhikan died to save your Toa Metru. Botar died to save your weapons. Matoro died to save your universe. Carapar died so FoF didn't get boring. Morbuzahk died for your plant-filled city. Krekka and Nidhiki died for Teridax's Plan. Hydraxon died to help the Pit. Karzahni (plant) died for his revenge. Sidorak died to have nobody care. Mata-Nui died to be saved moments later. Kojol died for your Avohkii. Jaller died to let Takua become Takanuva. Spiriah died to make Miserix happy. Mavrah died for no reason whatsoever. Some Traders from Stelt died so the Federation could get a boat. Resisting Makuta died so Teridax could come to power. Random Matoran died so Tuyet could go to the Pit. Some more random Matoran died to help Mahri-Nui. Tuyet died because she couldn't breathe water.
    Any suggestions?
  5. ~Blacklight~
    If anyone reading this uses colors in your posts and remembers to do it each time, I envy you. It's not as easy as it sounds. This is also the reason most of my posts are edited.
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