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Status Updates posted by Ceyrox

  1. Oh I definately like them. The opening one's my favorite. In KH2. If you want extras you shoulkd get Final Mix. Even better.

  2. Yeah. That one with the giant wheel is much too big.

  3. You know, I don't recall. But a good hint, is use the magic-keyblade-keyblade sleight, if you have it. It's really good.

  4. I have not commented here in quite a long time. You think you're going to put your epic up soon, seems interesting.

  5. Yeah. Great game, right. If you get bored, get Final Mix. It's sweeet!

  6. Seriously! If so, that name is a HUGE coincidence.

  7. Hey what's up?

  8. This is a comment.

  9. I wonder too...

  10. Really? KH1 doesn't compare in my opinion.

  11. It's the most useful, I think. It strikes, like everywhere.

  12. Daarkao, your not 14!

  13. Wow, you post a ton! Earlier you had like thirty posts, and know you have seventy. Well alot are in the Official 2008 sets topic, it'll do that to you.

  14. I hated Atlantica. But I hated it in the first one more, because it was really, really hard.

  15. Who was harder, Riku or Larxene?

    PS Neoshadows are very annoying. :(

  16. I disagree. Unless you count Cure. But the first time I played the game I didn't even realize cure was in it until I fought Riku in Mulan's world.

  17. I asked a comment how many licks it takes to get to the center of a comment, and wala.

  18. Not at all. There are multiple times, only in Final Mix though, that it is crucial to beat something. Refleaga is awesome! It helps, alot!

  19. Once you're out of Twilight Town it gets way better.

  20. His data's not hard except for the water clones. At the end you have to destroy 100 in 30 seconds and you can't use the reaction command.

  21. It's scary talent.

  22. Do you know what Final Mix is?

  23. Yeah. The last Transformers was really good. I'll see that too.

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