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-Golden Knight-

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Posts posted by -Golden Knight-

  1. IC: The only thing left to do was wait for the right person to leave the premises. Nanashi stared down at the ground, only glancing to the side once he heard footsteps around him. The young man smirked underneath his scarf. Assaulting the ambassador would probably be the quickest resolution but there's no way he'd get off scot-free.

  2. IC: "Got it. Find a place to hide and give me a signal when a mark appears." He tugged on the ends of his gloves and walked ahead slightly. As soon as he caught sight of Val Verde's sign on the gates of its embassy he stopped in his tracks and leaned up against the iron fence. Nanashi motioned for his reluctant ally to cross the street with his head. The amnesiac hated the thought of depending on someone - he was certain that he could get this done by himself. Still, it wasn't as if he had much of a choice in the matter. 

  3. IC: "First time I've ever heard of them. But if they can rebuild the Furai then it's safe to say that they're pretty loaded. For uniforms, we can probably knock out one of their workers when they leave the embassy premises. If we're lucky we can catch them on a smoke break."


    Nanashi cracked his knuckles and sighed. There was no way it'd be that easy and he was pretty confident that something supernatural would occur.

  4. IC: "Stealing the keys will take too long. I could probably hotwire it and maybe drive it straight through the front gates. Or we could take a stealthier approach and impersonate valets like I mentioned earlier. There's also the option of straight-up asking the ambassador if we could borrow it. But I'm absolutely certain that it wouldn't work." Nanashi continued to walk towards the row of embassies, glancing up at each sign.


    "How big do you think this embassy is?"

  5. IC: The moped screeched to a halt as Nanashi applied the brakes and brought it to a stop in front of an antique shop. He dismounted his vehicle and looked ahead at the rows of embassies not too far from their parking spot. He pocketed the keys and hung his helmet on a handlebar.


    "The man said Val Verde, didn't he? That's either near the other Central American ones or the South American ones. Let's make this quick."

  6. IC: He flipped his visor down and revved the engine. It took a few moments before it sounded safe enough to ride on. Nanashi pulled out a rather old looking GPS - the screen was cracked and it looked as if it had been dragged across the pavement once or twice. He tapped his foot as he waited for the crude device to finish processing the embassy's address before haphazardly mounting it on with a few strands of tape that were left over from the moped's previous "repairs". 


    "Time to steal a car then." He muttered under the engine's hum as he began speeding off towards the Vel Verde Embassy.

  7. A GBF RPG would be fun, but the fact that it melds the Gundam AUs and their respective technologies make it seem difficult to balance. Stuff like Moonlight Butterfly, Trans-Am, EXAM, NT-D, DG Cells, and the like are all considered pinnacles of technology in their respective timelines but how would they fare up against each other? Trans-Am makes a Gundam with a GN Drive go three times as fast but could it beat the Zero System's predictive computer? How would NT-D work against EXAM system suits? Moonlight Butterfly would destroy all other technology but if that's the case then why doesn't everyone use a modded Turn A? Plavsky particle storage seems to be what the anime uses to determine just how often a character spams some high-powered move. The build quality of a kit also modifies the suit's performance to a great degree so would players be stuck at a set skill level until the plot progressed or would there be some minor leveling system?


    A straight up Gundam RPG would be nice but I don't think it'd be easy to choose which universe to set it in, especially since the fanbase for this franchise seems rather low here.

  8. IC: The operative's grin only made Nanashi shake his head in doubt. He walked over to the rusted moped and strapped his helmet on before looking over to Jack. The man's words were true - the future is always in flux. But either way, fate would be the same for the Emperor Arcana's user. He'd still be a dead man walking at the end of the day. As he settled into the scrapheap's seat he glanced over to Jack. He flipped the helmet's visor up.


    "Gonna wait for a taxi or what?"

  9. IC: Nanashi followed the man out the diner. He glanced over to the decrepit little moped he parked outside. It was a pitiful little thing, rusted over and over a decade old. The miniature motorcycle was an economic model imported from Europe that had switched owners more far too many times to record. Still, it held up well-enough and the parts were easily replaceable. 


    OOC: I'm only half expecting a Persona user with ###### Biker to pop up.

  10. IC: 


    Nanashi wiped his mouth clean with a napkin and pulled out a small wad of cash - just enough to pay for his meal. He stood up and rolled his shoulders before looking over to the Roadkill member and the man. He looked briefly to the manager with an unreadable smirk before he began to make his way across the room.

  11. IC: The young man took another bite from his salad with a slight smirk. 


    "If it involves dangerous, risky driving then I'll bite. This salad's getting real boring." He still had his doubts about this but it beat sitting in a restaurant. The manager's debt was the least of his concerns - putting his driving skills, his pride, was a bigger concern. 

  12. IC: "Tch."


    The young man clicked his tongue with a roll of his eyes as he began to make his way back to his seat. 


    "What a joke, "a game" to settle a turf dispute. The only reason you're offering that is to offer an easy way out to save face because you'll know that your gang'll look incompetent and lose face if they can't even shake down a restaurant in a bad part of the city. I just wanted to beat the out of two idiots and you go out of the way to instead offer a loaded option - games are just tricks stacked in your favor."


    He would sit this one out - there was no glory to winning through wits or cleverness. Nor was there any point in taking up the man's offer without the details being told up front. The amnesiac returned to the booth in the back, now intent on finishing his salad. He smirked as he took a bite out of a minced piece of beet - the earthy flavor mixed with the dressing was rather delicious.


    "The justice I seek is very different than his or your justice." He gestured over to the average-looking man as he set down the fork and tugged on the ends of his riding gloves.

  13. IC: There was no hesitation in the proud man's steps as he continued to approach the two thugs. He tugged on each leather glove and flipped a tail of his red scarf over a shoulder.


    "My face? Getting smashed by the likes of you two? The only losers getting trounced around here are you. Come on, make a move inferior." The venom dripping in the nameless Persona user's tone was clearly evident. He ran the scenario over in his mind - switching to Eskrima would allow him to deal with the knives safely. Although, if they pulled out Personas - then it could get rather messy.

  14. IC: The young man grinned and flicked his wrist as he glanced over to the average-looking man for a split-second before glaring back at the thugs.


    "Oh no, it was my business the moment you interrupted my salad. Now, be the good little plebeians you are and remove yourselves from my presence."  The nameless youth smirked as he began making his way to the entrance of the restaurant.


    "Noblesse oblige, the philosophy that the more privileged should contribute more to society. Surely, erasing an eyesore from the public's eyes would be a good deed?" 

  15. IC: A clear voice rang out from a booth in the back of the restaurant. "Tch. What they really want is a kiss from the pavement." The young man clicked his tongue derisively as he moved his feet from the table and stood up. There was a wild looks in his eyes, like a hunter stalking its pray. 


    "Those knives of yours are pretty nice, eh? Too bad they're just for show." He smirked and cracked his knuckles as he waited for the thugs to make their move.

  16. Name"Nanashi" (Nameless)
    Age: 19-20
    Gender: Male
    ArcanaThe Emperor

    Weaponry and Tools: Riding gloves and boots.

    Skills: Despite his apparent memory loss Nanashi still retains his martial arts training. Nanashi usually defaults to using Muay Thai or Eskrima but can catch his opponents off-guard by weaving in techniques from other martial arts. He's quite skilled at hand-to-hand combat and excels at fighting against armed opponents. As his clothing would suggest, Nanashi is an expert at handling vehicles of all sorts, although he's at his best on a motorcycle where he can really show off his acrobatic and stunt driving skills.
    AppearanceNanashi is a young man who stands at about 5'10 with pale skin and black hair. His hair is usually messy and tends to stick up no matter how hard he tries to flatten it. The amnesiac will usually wear his goggles over his bangs. His dark brown eyes are rather dull. It's rare to find Nanashi in anything other than the motorcycle leathers that he appeared in al-Bareha wearing. The racing suit is mostly white, barring some areas discolored by what seems to have been dirt or blood and a large yellow 7 is printed on the back. There are several patched sections on the suit and most of the original armor has been replaced with newer, black padding.  The one constant piece of clothing that Nanashi will always wear though is his long red scarf. There's nothing particularly distinguishing about it but Nanashi does seem to have some subconscious attachment to it.
    Personality: As befitting his major arcana, Nanashi is courageous to a fault. It also seems that he hides his insecurities and doubts with a prideful facade. Nanashi is an inherently curious person and Personas in particular pique his interest. Although generally appearing aloof and unapproachable, Nanashi is really a playful individual and easily flustered by the thought of romance.

    Biography: al-Bareha tends to attract Persona users of all kinds from different corners of the world and Nanashi can be considered one of the stranger individuals drawn to this city. One day, he was simply there; sleeping on a bus stop bench. No records of his fingerprints or DNA can be found and he (apparently) claims to be an amnesiac. A Japanese passport was all that he had on him, but that was clearly forged with his name stated to be "Nanashi" and a blank spaces over his birth date and registered domicile. Perhaps the strangest thing about Nanashi is his lack of a pulse. After a medical check-up and x-rays, it was determined that Nanashi possesses an artificial heart - one created from a set of pumps. 
    WeaknessesNanashi's suicidal overconfidence can get him into dangerous situations. His arrogant front also causes him to reject others' help at times making him somewhat of a loner despite knowing it'd be in his best interest to aid others. Socially, Nanashi lacks tact and can come off as belligerent or inconsiderate.



    Origin and BackgroundThe original demigod, Gilgamesh is the hero of the world's earliest epic. He was the oppressive and immature king of Uruk and known for his human strength and handsomeness. After several adventures and the death of his closest companion, Enkidu, Gilgamesh sought out the sage Utnapishtim to become immortal. After failing the immortal sage's tests Gilgamesh came to terms with death as an inevitability and found comfort in the eternal legacy of his kingdom and his life.
    AppearanceGilgamesh is a large, mechanical humanoid that reflects the king's luxurious life. The Persona is clad in smooth, black armor that resembles a car's shell. Rich brown leather lines the armor shells and red triangles and lines form a pattern on his wrists and ankles. Like most Personas, Gilgamesh lacks any clearly defined feet. Blades from his inner frame extend out from under his armor and form high heels. A large portion of the chest armor is missing to reveal his skeletal inner frame. A silver and black engine is wedged into the frame's chest cavity and serves as its heart. Gilgamesh's face is a simple white mask that only shows off his headlight-like eyes. He wears a simple golden band around his head for a crown. This Persona carries around a scepter almost as tall as himself created from a traffic light and street signs.

    Powers and Abilities: As befitting of his namesake Gilgamesh is a physical powerhouse. Although lacking in any range Gilgamesh makes up for it with its incredible speed and physical strength. In addition to this, Gilgamesh can absorb and wield electricity in battle.

  17. IC - Tarkah [Marine Headquarters]:


    The young marine rolled his wrist and stretched out his arms as he exited the headquarters. Tarkah pulled the string holding the folded paper together and scanned it carefully. The patrol route he had been assigned seemed rather simple and short enough. He grinned slightly and slid it somewhere under his cloak as he took a right and began his first patrol. Although the badge was proudly displayed on his cloak he took a subtle approach to prowling Ga-Koro. Tarkah moved carefully from crowd to crowd and tried to avoid as much attention as he possibly could. He moved too quickly to be concerned with any possible stares.


    "Hmm, perhaps I should train after this..." The private mused as he stepped off a walkway and onto another of the village's lily pads.

  18. IC - Tarkah [Dasaka Landing Point]:


    It took a while before Tarkah finally stood up from his seat and left the port. The Toa fiddled with his cloak before departing towards the Marines Headquarters. Perhaps someone there had an assignment or patrol route for one of the force's newest marines. A sense of dejection or disappointment lingered in the young private's heart as he continued on his way back.

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