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Solaris Magnus

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Blog Entries posted by Solaris Magnus

  1. Solaris Magnus
    Well, 2011 is behind us It's been one heck ride eh ? I want to give a shout out to all of BZP and wish a Happy New Year, and a belated Merry Christmas. Hope everyone is having a good time
  2. Solaris Magnus
    Its Thanks Giving in a few days. With the Recent BIONICLE news, some have nothing to be thankfull for
    im thankfull, for living. For having BIONICLE for 10 years of my life. Since i was 5 years old. All the memories. And That even though the Sets have ended, we still have a story, that the Fans can help to create. So lets all try to be thankfull for something
    Have A great Thanksgiving
  3. Solaris Magnus
    Hello everyone, seeing as i am primier as a Christmas gift, I CAN MAKE A BLOG WOOOOO. SO my first order is About the Inika Club, I will list members later and Pm all that I know
  4. Solaris Magnus
    From BS01
    Only Takadox paused to look back at the cavern where Carapar had died, wondering for a moment just what it would take to end the life of a being older than the stars.
    Don't know why I never noticed this yet, now I am all but certain that Takadox is the Murderer. When we find out, I wouldn't be surprised. And he's GregF's favorite Barraki
  5. Solaris Magnus
    Months Ago. I told you it was ending. The EXACT same way it was now
    No one belived me
    Now you know why I tried to warn you
    Just saying. I only wanted to ease the pain alot of you felt this afternoon, and the many hearts that were broken
    Farwell Bionicle. May Your story live forever
  6. Solaris Magnus
    Well for a bit I had so many state test I have been ofline for about a month and a half but now Im back. I have caught up on any story info I missed except, can someone tell me if the larger mata nui has any story importance whatsoever thanks
  7. Solaris Magnus
    Well, my exams are over, so i'll be back to bloggin.
    Speaking of exams i did really well on all of them, And for that, I got this epic game.
    Transformers from 2007. It is AWESOME. I finished the the autobot portion, but i'm stuck on the 2nd to last level, which is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE.
    As for my name, it seems like I will not be having it back. It will only be given back if I ship the prizes, and I dont have the means, and my Mom (>.>) Got upset about this situation, so I wont be able to ship the prizes. So please, just call me Starscream. Thats my Secondary name, so it fits and everyone is happy .
    EDIT: Well, I beat it, 8 straight hours of giant robots blowing up stuff. I had to use a invincibility cheat to beat that level, but all worth it B)
  8. Solaris Magnus
    Hello My few if not Any readers
    I finaly got my mom to give me 20 bucks and i am buying Cendox v1
    By this point ur like...And...who cares
    BUT, Crotesius wont live very long, seeing as, his HANDS and helmet, goe to creating my 4 month long SELF MOC
    You will see its awesomeness by the end of the day
  9. Solaris Magnus
    Wow, I haven't posted an entry in forever. So I decided to change this blog name and such.....wow you'd think I'd have something to write since December XD
  10. Solaris Magnus
    Well i was gone when the book came out two months ago, and now RIGHT when I want it it is sold out, so, could anyone tell me where I can uptain this book
    Please Help, I would really appriciate it
  11. Solaris Magnus
    They put the full Hero Factory website up.
    I still am not pleased.
    And this is such a fail
    Apparently where they live is called Makuhero
    And...an FM RADIO
    *Jumps Off Brooklyn Bridge*
    Videos are not bad.....But saving humans
    wait ...Saving Humans.......
    *Jumps Again*
    And that story.......Child fodder.....
    -Iron Star-
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