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Solaris Magnus

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Blog Entries posted by Solaris Magnus

  1. Solaris Magnus
    This is goldcloud899's Q&A as requested. He just wants to help with any burning Bionicle questions you may have
    And now I leav controll of my blogeth to Mr. Goldcloud himself
    but seriously, postificate ...nowz
  2. Solaris Magnus
    I could Put this plainly, so I will, and yet, I stil will rant
    2009 FAILED
    1) Started Pretty good for me
    2) Step Dad Leaves
    3) Find girl of my dreams
    4) Girl Of my dreams was going to go out with me
    5) People I know told lies about me and I became the laughing stock failure of the school ( Aka Girl decided to not go out with me)
    6) Tons of Bionicle's were chewed by my Cat
    7) Always been tired
    8) Could'nt Go on An Annual Vacation
    9) Was sick for 3 and half weeks with the Flu, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and Pink eye, all at the same time
    10) Had Swine Flu for 2 weeks
    The Good
    1) I got a good laugh out of all the bad stuff
    2) I got skopio
    3) I got........
    Ok thats all the good stuff LOL
    On A world level, economy failed, health care failed, Obama is Failing, reform on all the failing stuff is failing...
    I could keep going on.
    Now You see Why I always complain about your Girlfriend XD @ Mesonak
    Now On too BZP life
    Started A Toa Team. I got too power mad, toa team quit. I Tried to stop BZP from failing and got mocked.
    Made up with friends
    Made A truckload of Friends
    And That's my Rant on 2009.
  3. Solaris Magnus
    e=mc^2- 17
    ~Legoman~- 15
    Toa Neryt/ Toa of Time- 9
    Toa Kovolta- 9
    Akuna toa of sonics- 6
    Major Marvelous - 5
    ShadowDestroyer- 3
    Mesonak- 3
    Ultimate Kardas- 3
    Shadow Vahki- 2
    Koltrin- 2
    Toa Blackout- 1
    Tyler Toa of Awesome- 1

    Toa Neryt/ Toa of Time- 38
    Masterpie23- 1 ( Ill Give you a vote )
    Congratulations to Everyone who entered. You all built some amazing moc's and I really appreciate you all entering.
    Originally 3 would proceed to the final roudn of MoC's, But Neryt and Kovolta are In a tie with 9 votes a piece, so there will be four Contestants in the final round
    Toa Kovolta
    Toa Neryt/ Toa of time
    As for artwork, the winner of the MiB Mazeka is Toa Neryt
    Congrats Neryt. I Will be contacting you as soon as round 2 is over about shipping out your prize
    And Good Luck to our 4 Finalists
  4. Solaris Magnus
    Hello My few if not Any readers
    I finaly got my mom to give me 20 bucks and i am buying Cendox v1
    By this point ur like...And...who cares
    BUT, Crotesius wont live very long, seeing as, his HANDS and helmet, goe to creating my 4 month long SELF MOC
    You will see its awesomeness by the end of the day
  5. Solaris Magnus
    Months Ago. I told you it was ending. The EXACT same way it was now
    No one belived me
    Now you know why I tried to warn you
    Just saying. I only wanted to ease the pain alot of you felt this afternoon, and the many hearts that were broken
    Farwell Bionicle. May Your story live forever
  6. Solaris Magnus
    Well for a bit I had so many state test I have been ofline for about a month and a half but now Im back. I have caught up on any story info I missed except, can someone tell me if the larger mata nui has any story importance whatsoever thanks
  7. Solaris Magnus
    If you didnt get the title , im making an epic
    I was up in my room, and looked at my Storyline important shelf, and my random dead/Banished/Non important characters side, and i saw and epic
    The Characters
    Alternate MU
    1)Tahu- Their here because their stars forms are going on the Shelf
    3)Axalara w/Lewa
    4)Rockoh w/ Pohatu
    6) Toa Starparu- Ya I got my powers back
    6) 08 Makuta w/ Destral Cycle Cameo
    7) Turaga Lhikan
    Alternate Bara Magna
    1)Gresh- Same reason as Takanuva and Tahu
    4) Telluris and Skopio
    5) Sahmoderator (Sahmad)
    6) Kirbraz and Scodonius
    8) Metus
    9) Tuma, Branar,Fero,Stronius, random other skrall
    Main Backbone of this Dimension
    The Great beings Lived on Spherus Magna, did all the stuff that happend in the main universe, and whatnot. Then Big twist. They create A mata Nui Robot, but before they can finalize the Brain of the Robot the planet begins to shatter. In panic, one GB scientist, takes a specimen of antidermis, soon to be created, labeled TERIDAX, and implants it into the brain. The robot rockets off, with no mission to the middle of now where, as the planet Breaks into 3 parts. Almost all the inhabitants die, save for those under the character list. Before this happened however, a strange mask was given to a young glatorian named Gresh, by a hooded being.
    After a year of Panic in the MU, Teridax enslaves all those in his universe. Another Backnote- seeing as the energy storms began ebruptly, Onua, Kopaka, and Gali and the Avtoran save for Takua, all die, while the others survive.
    And thats all ill tell for now, I REALLY could use some responses for what i have right now
  8. Solaris Magnus
    Well, my year long hiatus from BZP and Bionicle is over. I am now back on all the time.
    Now. After months of waiting, who is the secret Great Being and the murderer
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