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Solaris Magnus

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Blog Entries posted by Solaris Magnus

  1. Solaris Magnus
    I do have prizes for the contest
    Probelm Being
    There are only 2
    It would be only one prize per section
    Only first prize
    One prize for MoC's the other for artwork
    IS that ok, or do you not like that?
  2. Solaris Magnus
    Being the freak I am, I have every built set i own in 100% perfect condition.... The ones I couldnt get the pieces for through eBay i had to rebuy from the store.
    The ones with the broken pieces
    They......Are ....... Coming......For revenge. XD
    So what do you do with sets where major pieces crack (aka 2009 hands) or masks get in horrid condition ? and/or extra sets
  3. Solaris Magnus
    From BS01
    Only Takadox paused to look back at the cavern where Carapar had died, wondering for a moment just what it would take to end the life of a being older than the stars.
    Don't know why I never noticed this yet, now I am all but certain that Takadox is the Murderer. When we find out, I wouldn't be surprised. And he's GregF's favorite Barraki
  4. Solaris Magnus
    Hello BZP, Nuparu411 is gone... Now im Starparu411. This is my Toa Rojos (BZP faction) member list
    toa of shadows 97
    Makuta of Comedy
    Makuta Vahi
    Medical Officer Frank Dufr
    The-e-e tha-a-ats all-l-l fo-o-l-lcks
  5. Solaris Magnus
    Its Thanks Giving in a few days. With the Recent BIONICLE news, some have nothing to be thankfull for
    im thankfull, for living. For having BIONICLE for 10 years of my life. Since i was 5 years old. All the memories. And That even though the Sets have ended, we still have a story, that the Fans can help to create. So lets all try to be thankfull for something
    Have A great Thanksgiving
  6. Solaris Magnus
    First off, I wanna thank everyone on TTV for re-inviting me to the Skype chat and for the Guest star next week. You guys ( and Alena ) are awesome.
    Next, after looking over the Archive topic on the Great being, and the murderer, I have a few Ideas on who they are
    GB- Velika- GregF's favorite matoran, who always has seemed rather different, and gives off that, There's more to me that meets the eye feeling. When (if) we ever find out, I'd bet on him
    Murderer- Krakua- Come on, Signal ( presumably sonic), Humming to himself. Lot's of things point to him.
    Takadox- After thinking about it, he came to mind. After watching Tren Krom blow up Carapar, I remember takadox thinking about powerful beings. I think he may have seen Tren Krom's power, and to an Extent, Teridax power, and decided that they are too dangerous to be alive. It would be interesting if it was him. BUT he is not what you would call a powerfull being. He can only hypnotize, maybe enough to kill Karzahni, not Tren Krom, and all the inhabitants of the GB temple. Very interesting
  7. Solaris Magnus
    Hey BZPers. I know I'm not one for advertisement but My Friend friend The Venom really would like to get some more followers for his comic series V3. It is one of the best comic series I have read on BZP, spans the course of 3 seasons, and the current story unfolding is really great. It involves Symbiotes, basically stemming from the famous spider man villain venom If you could give it a look and comment, that would be great. Thanks everyone
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