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Solaris Magnus

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Blog Entries posted by Solaris Magnus

  1. Solaris Magnus
    Months Ago. I told you it was ending. The EXACT same way it was now
    No one belived me
    Now you know why I tried to warn you
    Just saying. I only wanted to ease the pain alot of you felt this afternoon, and the many hearts that were broken
    Farwell Bionicle. May Your story live forever
  2. Solaris Magnus
    Hey there. well seeing Varderan's Titan Mata Nui review, I am OBSESED with getting it
    So could anyone who might know answer these few questions for me
    1) Which store is it an exclusive
    2) How much is it
    3) Will it be available via Shop@Home
    4) Has anyone , Varderan aside, found or own it yet\
    Thanks so much
  3. Solaris Magnus
    Ah well im bored so ill post some overdrawn overview of Random stuff
    2009 started out EPIC. I Thought BM would last for 3 years.....boy was I wrong. As Soon as Mata nui came in, the whole story went BOOM .Now i have the feeling Thats Lego is making a Huge mata nui robot set, and using the stars as a cover. And when they release it.....Bye Bye Bionicle Begone. Only time will tell (not rly though cuz i haz proof) If Bionicle will end. And the Stars are epic, seieng as lego Named them all after meh .
    2009 - Star's Overview
    This .....year.............was meh
    I found a toa team, which was destroyed, then brought bakc together. I made a Bionicle website. Built an awesome moc....failed at spriting, and thats about it
    So thats the overview. A MEH year and an Epic Bionicle year, whcich turned out to be horrid in the end
  4. Solaris Magnus
    Well i was gone when the book came out two months ago, and now RIGHT when I want it it is sold out, so, could anyone tell me where I can uptain this book
    Please Help, I would really appriciate it
  5. Solaris Magnus
    Hello everyone, seeing as i am primier as a Christmas gift, I CAN MAKE A BLOG WOOOOO. SO my first order is About the Inika Club, I will list members later and Pm all that I know
  6. Solaris Magnus
    Ah well. I looked over my nice collection of my favorite Bionicles, and hopefuly will get a few vehicles, some older sets that i missed out on for XMas, and fill in the gaps.... Then again, what gaps do I really have with both guide books, my very own awesome mata nui robot, the stars and the mata
    Afterwards, im sure I will nab a few older sets from long ago in the glory days, but for the most part, You wont ever see Star in a Toystore....or really anystore other then walmart for a long while.
    I'll just buy what i need from eBay XD
  7. Solaris Magnus
    MN Contest Date Change
    DECEMBER 26th 2009
    Dont forget. I still need 3 more people, and ill be able to get prizes
    Oh Ya. Toa Blackout is Number 7
  8. Solaris Magnus
    I got My Report Card yesterday. Straight A's and Valedictorian XD
    Second Agenda, I got the Star's yesterday. They are EPIC
    Thirdly, i Tricked everyone and just bought Mata Nui's Guide on Amazon for 17 Dollars XD
    So ya, overall Great week, now I will go drool over Tahu Star XD
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