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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    As I edited in the previous entry noting a screening of 2.0, I went to it today.

    It was insane. <3

    And I expect the next two movies to get even more insane.
  2. Disky
    Leader made a content block in his blog with lyrics after he saw the one in my blog.
    He threatened me for permission to make one. ;_;
  3. Disky
    I got a fever. How exciting!
    But in actual good news, my friend lent me her PSP for the break so that I could play Persona 3 Portable. I'll be all over the place during this break but hopefully I can play a good chunk of the game, at least. *v*
  4. Disky
    You know of those songs some guys record that are at least ten minutes long? One that I am listening to right now is "And Then There Was Silence," by Blind Guardian.

    What do you think of these long songs? When you listen to one for the first time, do you grumble at its length? Or do you think about how many minutes of awesome that could be?
  5. Disky
    I have a couple of favorite vocalists, so just thought I might as well say who they are.
    Jorn Lande (Masterplan*, Jorn, Allen/Lande)
    Tarja Turunen (ex-Nightwish)
    Ray Khan (Kamelot)
    Ronnie James Dio (Dio, ex-Black Sabbath**)
    Hansi Kursch (Blind Guardian, Demons & Wizards)

    <3 these guys

    *it was recently announced in a magazine interview that he is returning to Masterplan as vocalist, so rejoice!
    **technically, he's back with the Black Sabbath gang in a separate project, touring around and singing BS songs.
  6. Disky
    It's February! The shortest month of the year!

    To-do list for February:
    - Get a Valentine (I have 14 days to accomplish this! )
    - Start off the second semester of school well
    - Finish watching Natsume Yuujinchou
    - Wriiiiiite more
    - Put some more effort into my schoolwork
    - More stuff I can't recall?

    Now just how will I find a Valentine ;_;

    I also had another FMA lunch today. Just so you know.
  7. Disky
    Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! For the rest, I hope you're having a swell day as well.

    Here is what I received, excluding delicious chocolate:
    Pandora Hearts artbook (Odds & Ends) - <3 I love this. Good references, pretty pictures, fangirling, etc. Bento box - This one's Totoro themed. My lunch will be awesome now. Maus second volume - Excellent books. Interesting art too, and a nice metaphor for different groups of people all throughout the book. Mechanical pencils - Yessss. And these are really good kinds of mechanical pencils. Leg warmers - ahuh
    Some other minor things and clothes aren't on this list, but yeah. I'm happy nonetheless.

    Now what to do during this winter break...
  8. Disky
    Well, New York Comic Con and Anime Fest is this weekend, and tomorrow (Saturday), I'll be attending. I'm pretty excited. Also, three-day weekend B)

    Buuuut it's time to give some short coverage on the Medieval Festival in my neighborhood, which happened last Sunday. I didn't get to go last year, but this year it worked out. And I'm happy indeed, except for one thing...

    The pickle man wasn't there. Every year, there's this guy who dresses like a pirate and has a barrel of pickles. He's amazing, albeit a slightly strange personality, and I was really disappointed that he wasn't here this year.

    Moving on

    The Medieval Fest was pretty fun, especially since I was with three friends pretty much the whole time. I had fried dough with strawberries and sugar powder for lunch (yum) and later a little bit of popcorn. There were these giant turkey legs, AKA mutten (one or two t's?) that almost everyone at the festival who wasn't vegetarian were eating. Well, except me.

    There was jousting several times during the day, but I only got to see the conclusion by climbing (in my long skirt) onto the tall bleachers and holding onto the railing to look over at the field. I managed to get this picture at the very end.
    Later on, people fought each other in skirmishes. I later learned that this called Human Chess, and I didn't get it, but oh well. It was entertaining.

    At the same field, they had these trapeze dancer people who performed on a structure of ribbon, and I thought that was amazing. They also demonstrated a real whip by cutting up some roses.

    There were unicorns, a large one and smaller pony one.

    A wizard, possibly Gandalf, made an appearance as well!

    Swords and other weaponry were sold at the event. I would have picked one up, but they weren't going to let someone under 18 handle such beautiful (or rather, sharp) things. Other vendors sold various jewelry for the most part, incense, cool gems and stones, pottery, and more. I obtained a smokey quartz crystal and this pretty thing.

    Throughout the event, you could also find various performers, ranging from singers to bagpipe players.

    And, finally, we end on a punny note.
  9. Disky
    Remember how last year, during my spring break, I had a pretty bad fever?
    Well after a few days of minor sickness, I got a fever today. It happens to be the week before a break from school, too. I may have to miss the last two days of school depending on how I feel, but I hope nothing major happens since the semester is ending this Friday and finals finished today.
    At least those art supplies I ordered are here to keep me company... and my DSi (aaaaah I want a 3DS for Pokemon).
  10. Disky
    FINALLY my city is actually having a snow day!

    So my city barely has any snow days, the last one my people recall is when I was in third grade or something. And we kids have always been jealous of everyone around us in schools in other cities and counties who get a snow day or at least an hour delay when one flake of snow falls. But no longer, for we are catching up! (though not for long >__>)

    But yes, it brings me joy. Although the rest of my family will also be home tomorrow, so I get no free time to sing terribly and draw whatever without my bro criticizing >(
  11. Disky
    Finally I saw The Legend Reborn movie today on my granny's teevee. It was fun. Except these little boxes kept popping up from the side of the screen with little facts and tidbits. Most weren't very useful, but some were nice to know.
    But I have been inspired for ART by this 8D I just need to get done with my internship that I start next week, which goes through the entire month. If the art works out, I'll bring a copy with me to show off at Brickfair.

    I'm going home today as well~

    I also look forward to watching the first episode of Kuroshitsuji II.
  12. Disky
    First day of school, finally! Tomorrow and Friday are days off for holiday, too. :3

    Anyways, while I go through my schedule, I'll give some first impressions of the teachers and class. If you don't feel like reading impressions, you can just skim over my schedule. Oh, and I probably don't need to include the obligatory huggles and squeals that accompanied seeing friends and knowing that they're in my class.

    First period is Italian 3. I'm kind of afraid that I've forgotten some possibly important Italian over the summer, moreso since the class will be taught almost entirely in Italian.

    Second period is Global History (this is a two-year class, I already took the first year). I got bumped up into honors for this class, to my surprise. My teacher is a pretty funny guy, and since I like history, I hope this class will go well. I have a state exam on this subject at the end of the year, anyways.

    Third period is English. And, to my surprise, I was bumped into honors for this class too. The teacher I have is new to the school, but he has plenty of teaching experience in general. And he's young, too. At least, younger than other teachers. He also looks and sounds almost exactly like my homeroom teacher, and they're two different guys. ._. We just spent the period analyzing a quote he wrote on the board. I have hopes for this class, though.

    Fourth period is PE, and I only have this class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays this semester. My teacher seems nice enough, but we're not doing any workouts till next Wednesday. Today was a briefing, and Monday will be eye tests.

    Fifth period is Algebra II/Trigonometry. This semester is just Algebra II stuff, next semester is Trig. And, lo and behold, I got bumped into honors for this class as well. On my schedule card there was a mess-up of the room number for the class, so we did quite a bit of moving around before finally going over what the class would be like.

    Sixth period is lunch. 'Nuff said.

    Seventh period is Chemistry. I barely know anyone in this class, and I dunno how good I'll do. I have a fine teacher, though. Besides, Dudebot will help me with Chem - right?

    Eighth period is Basic Printmaking. A dangerous class! We'll be using fun sharp tools to carve and etch, and heavy pressing machinery, and ink that'll stain you to death! I know a lot of people in this class, and I had the teacher as a substitute a few times last year.

    Ninth and tenth period is Studio Practice 3 - Graphic Design. My teacher claims we'll mostly be working with shapes and such. A lot of class time will also be spent in my school's new Mac computer lab for the art studio, and we'll have our artwork put up on a website for the class. This teacher is also the only one of mine that is using a nickname for me.

    Overall, good day and high hopes, except for the occasional sad reference to one of my friends who moved away over the summer. ;_;
  13. Disky

    Since I bet everyone wants it, here's my daily schedule of classes:
    Period 1 - I have no period one this semester, so I get to sleep in. ^^
    Period 2 - Physical Ed. on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday means sleep in more. ^^
    Period 3 - Freshman English 1. We read The Assistant over the summer and are gonna do stuff on it, and our next read is expected to be The Little Prince. I'm liking this class.
    Periods 4 and 5 - Art Studio Practice 1, sketching. We did an assignment and are gonna finish and discuss tomorrow. But yay double period of art daily! =D I share this class with a middle school friend.
    Period 6 - Lunch. I share this with no middle school friends, so I'd better find some new people soon so I don't sit alone all the time. ^^;;
    Period 7 - Global Studies 1 (basically history). We're going to be doing Prehistorics and Ancient times, as well as Medieval and other stuff. Includes museum projects.
    Period 8 - Living Environment 1 (science, people). Our actual teacher was absent so the substitute gave us some articles and stuff... But I hope it's good.
    Period 9 - Geometry 1. I hope it's gonna be good, since I'm pretty good at math. =D
    Period 10 - Italiano 1. The teacher speaks the entire class in Italian, so we have to catch on fast. Luckily he writes word meanings on the board, but still it's a bit tough. At least my brother knows some Italian so he can help me. =)

    Other than that not baaad. Day ends at 4:00, and wake-up depends on whether or not I have PE.

    Plus the people are scary. .__.

    And by the way, I wrote a short story, "Crushing Soundscape" so you should check it out and read it. Not very action-y, but still fun. =P

    Enjoy the third long blog post in a row.
  14. Disky
    Have you ever observed a typical house fly? Often, I've seen that a fly will rub it's two front-most legs together.

    When I see any fly do that, I can't help but think it's plotting something evil, and in its puny mind it can only think "mwahahahaha" while it rubs its 'hands' together.

    but flies sometimes do evil things so I guess it's okay
  15. Disky
    I had three tests today: Global History, Biology, and Geometry. I was going to have Italian test too but I have the most awesome teacher ever so now it's on Monday.
    People overreacted about the three tests for noooo reason. They weren't that difficult, in my opinion.

    I have an essay due Monday in Global. All about Egypt, India, and China. D:

    Uhh let's see... Oh I'm gonna be in a photoshoot tomorrow for my local hospital's annual report. Wooohoooo

    And there's nothing awesome and not chocolate or cold here in my house to eat as a snack. I'm sad. ;__;

    And MNOG II is fun. I was playing it starting a few weeks ago, except I barely played this week cuz of school. But still, it is fun. Except having to go back to Ga-Koro when I'm missing just one little supply... xP
  16. Disky
    So did you know that with four chords you can play many of everyone's favorite pop songs on the keyboard? =O

    The Axis of Awesome did so at some show (look up the video), and I was like "whoa." The four chords, credit to Dudebot here, are E Major, B Major, C# Minor, and A Major. Of course, I don't understand much about music in such a manner, but it's still pretty awesome.

    Speaking of music, I've been getting into Vocaloid lately. I want to make fanart for some of the songs, like Len and Rin's "Prisoner" and "Paper Plane." But I feel I should get some form of art markers first, like Prismacolor or Copic (Copic is more expensive, I believe), and then master them for these pieces. Maybe I can do so in the summer?

    And more music stuff! Random, nonsense lyrics of the day:
    I'm a magician, Spencer,
    A furious magician!
    Are you proud of your country?
    Are you proud of your country?
    I bet you are, you pretty little boy,
    Sitting up there in your high chair,
    Demanding more applesauce.
    You've already got enough applesauce, Spencer!
    There's plenty of applesauce on your plate.
  17. Disky
    Today was pretty awesome. School was half-day, and everyone was in costume. As an update to how my costume came out, the hair was insanely random and failed to properly spike. But it was still nice. :3 My friend also lent me her faaaaat Pikachu to use and "capture" with my Eevee.

    A highlight of the day in school was a peer from middle school, from the drama department, dressing as my History teacher. He taught the class for the day, and my teacher was in such conflict while watching himself being accurately depicted and seeing his flaws and quirks. xD

    My friend from Texas visited and dressed as the 4th Doctor. She knitted the scarf herself (she's making me one too), and she knitted the sweater herself, and she sewed the coat herself. She is amazing.

    Another one of my friends dressed as a Rubik's Cube that you could actually spin, but only the top two parts.

    After school, we went to Build-A-Bear (my first time going), and it was really fun. They had dinosaurs to dress up! I also took a little soft heart from there that will give to someone who is amazing.

    Later, there was just myself and the Texan friend and her dad, and we went to art museum and freaked people out while looking at art. One bust in the Greek and Roman art section looked like Voldemort. No lie. It really really creeped me out. The description for it was simply "bust of a man" or something like that, but that's not the truth.

    Friend and I cried when we had to part ways though.

    Overall, I am satisfied and extremely tired. I will edit this post with some pictures later tonight or tomorrow afternoon (wow, I actually took some!), especially of Voldemort.

    EDIT: Added two pictures. I would add more, but I have to see if other friends have better images than I do. Especially of the Fourth Doctor outfit.
  18. Disky
    I'll be watching it tonight... in like ten minutes. Less.

    And I won't be on after it to ramble about it so here's the entry. =P

  19. Disky
    I got super glue on my fingers from trying to put together broken parts of my clear plastic ruler. :< Clear rulers are useful for arts and drawing graphs, and there several small parts that had broken off from it being in backpack. After a year of living with a broken ruler, I decided to fix it, and a mess-up is what I get. ;_;
    It didn't fit together well enough because the glue bonded too quickly for me to adjust the piece so that the edge was even.
    Now I'm going to go do my history homework and try to get this glue off....
  20. Disky
    So two friends and I were totally pretending to be major otakus and comic geeks when we went to various bookstores. We went to a Strand, so I was able to score two manga volumes for a dollar and fifty cents each. And then we went to some comic store and I got another manga volume. I also bought my friend two comic books she really wanted.

    The volumes I got were: Code Geass: The Nightmare of Nunally (First)
    Yu-gi-oh original manga (seventh)
    Magic Knight Rayearth (first)
    combined these make the very first manga volumes that I actually own.
    My lucky friend also scored an original Japanese FMA manga for two bucks.

    In other news my friends and I had a marshmallow war with some marshmallow guns, and it was epic. We also watch FMA, Hetalia, and Psych. And ate grilled cheese sandwiches and homemade chocolate chip cookies. And watched a computer crash seven thousand times.
  21. Disky
    So, this is what was happening IRL: I was walking home from half-day at school. On my head was a Santa hat that my teachers borrowed from me for a few weeks and gave back today.
    Then, I had a daydream: There was a random chair on the street, so I sat down since I was tired. Because of my hat, a little kid runs up to me and sits on my lap. He blabbers out what he wants for Christmas, and I barely listened so I won't say what he said. So, I pull out a pack of 52 cards from my pocket (which were actually there IRL), and told him that we'll bet the things he just said over a game of Spit (which is the card game I'm best at). He got scared and ran away.
    Ah, how I wish this was real...
  22. Disky
    So this weekend, my dad and I went down to the storage in the basement of our building to set up a bike rack and store our bikes there to make extra room (for a table which'll have my own computer :3).
    So, there was a futon mattress there and my dad had to move it to make room. It's a very crowded room, you see. This is approximately what happened:

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