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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    So today was the last day of school for the year 2010, and my entire school was in a very festive mood. Paper snowflakes decorated the school, food was everywhere, gifts were everywhere, people dressed fancy, the band and choir walked around the school playing music and singing, and half of the student body (exaggerated?) were wearing Santa hats.

    However! A freshman in my Chemistry class wasn't wearing a Santa hat. She was wearing a pirate's hat.

    *thumbs up*
  2. Disky
    I'm walking down the street, and it's raining (yes I have an umbrella). I think, "Hey, I bet no one wears bags over their heads against rain anymore!"
    One minute later a guy with a bag tied over his head (with his face left open) ran by me.
    I love these moments in life.
  3. Disky
    I believe so, because I have been on a roll with writing my latest concept for the past week. Usually, I end up with a block in the middle of writing anything, but here I've been typing and editing non-stop, except for internet check-ups and life stuff, and am past 8 pages with a lot more to go. Gonna get back to it after posting this entry.
    I have amazed myself.
  4. Disky
    C-sections are craaazy

    In other news, I'm leaving for Philly this Sunday. It'll be fun and difficult, and I'll come back Friday. Tomorrow will certainly be a busy packing day.

    And cuz I leave on Sunday, I can't change my name back to "Disky". xP Oh well, that can wait.

    Aaand I have a ton of music to download in between watching Bleach episodes (152 and counting as of this entry's posting).

    so yeah speedy update for you guys right there
  5. Disky
    How come when you run out of Pokemon in a battle and hence lose, why do you black out for that one moment?

    And when you lose to a wild Pokemon, how do you just 'drop' a set amount of money (if I recall correctly that's what happens)? Shouldn't a trainer be more careful with their cash?
  6. Disky
    It's February! The shortest month of the year!

    To-do list for February:
    - Get a Valentine (I have 14 days to accomplish this! )
    - Start off the second semester of school well
    - Finish watching Natsume Yuujinchou
    - Wriiiiiite more
    - Put some more effort into my schoolwork
    - More stuff I can't recall?

    Now just how will I find a Valentine ;_;

    I also had another FMA lunch today. Just so you know.
  7. Disky
    So here are some pics I took at Brickfair. Not a lot, though, cuz some photos sucked or didn't have good MOCs in them. So enjoy. =) It's just one gallery, but fun pictures. =P


  8. Disky

    This is Vocal from the Violinist of Hameln manga. Made on 9" by 12" Bristol paper and with Micron and calligraphy pens.

    First thing - on stuff I noticed in the picture that could have been improved: Some of the black parts meld into other parts and make them hard to differentiate. The characters on the ball seem placed a bit unevenly and mess up the inside circle. And his hands might be too small?

    Second - Let me tell you about Violinist of Hameln. About 140 chapters of stuff, written/drawn in the 1990's, and it can be fun. The only issue that stood out is occasional confusion with setting. While they're in a fantasy world, the characters sometimes mention locations in Europe and Asia and composers from real life (since they place music often), there are some technological aspects such as when Hamel's violin gets "upgraded", and once or twice there was a Gundam Mobile Suit stuck in there. Another thing is that they break the fourth wall a bunch of times, but I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
    Otherwise I really, really enjoyed it.
    But the anime was terrible.

    Anywhooo rant over now enjoy the art.
  9. Disky
    Today everyone was expecting a snow day, where we get off from school, or at least a two-hour delay. Well, neither of those happened. Some people who lived extremely far away or were just lazy didn't come at all, a bunch came late, and everyone who came in general felt depressed because they got worked up for nothing.

    And so, I have Italian first period, and by the end of the period only a total of ten students came to class. We sat in a little circle and worked on a small packet to review for our final. It was really fun - we were all close, it was easy to ask questions, and we got a few good laughs out of the situation.
    I've never been a class so small and now I wish a lot of my classes were like that. I see the advantage in small classes now.
    The rest of my classes had at least 20 students present.

    Oh an one girl who came into Italian halfway through the class announced she had candy for everyone, since we didn't have a snow day and she wanted to make us all happier. D'aw.
  10. Disky
    The part of my binder with the three hole rings just ripped itself out of my binder. I've walked around with it like that all week because I've had no time to go to Staples and get a new one. Stuff kept falling out and ugh. But it was fun to just pull out all of my notes and get weird looks. xP
    *will get a new one this weekend*

    Speaking of breaking, the wooden clothespin that's lying on my desk from an experiment I did for Science class just broke. Like, five minutes ago.

    And my pen ran out ink.

    Today is not very amazing, apparently.

    And of the Master Plan: I found a six dollar top hat online. >=D
  11. Disky
    From the August 2010 issue of Wired magazine, article: "The Future That Never Happened," with guest writer Will Ferrell.
    From the little inserts about what Will Ferrell wished was already available today:


    (Other of his ideas: edible fake beard, ray gun that brings mannequins to life, Chewbacca-mask weddings)
  12. Disky
    I took my science test this morning, as stated in a previous entry... And it was hard! D: The only thing I know I did well on was the stuff on biology and genetics. <3 genetics
  13. Disky
    We played jeopardy in History today to review for tomorrow's Midterm. We'd also played it a few weeks ago for a normal test. But, the highlight of the game was my team's name.

    For the normal test review, we were "The Losers Who Win at Walmart."

    Today, in the same group, we were "The Pirates of the Tofurkey Noodle Soup," or shortened to "The Tofurkey Pirates."

    And guess what?

    We had the most points the both times. (:<
  14. Disky
    My gym teacher is making us do dancing. Like, my school already has dance majors (who are exempt from PE), but now we have to go into it too. The gym class consists of vocal, instrumental, and art (meee) majors. So as a midterm or final, he says we have to put on a performance.

    Today we just learned a couple of steps in the most basic form of dancing.

    This still makes no sense, but I agree with my teacher that it is better than running from the first floor to the eighth floor of the school.

    The only issue is I can't tell if he's seriously serious or not. He's very hard to read ._.

    And yes Dudebot, this is the guy who gives relationship advice. =P
  15. Disky
    dang blog titles can't use all caps
    Onto the point of this entry: One of my friends said today that her test results showed she could have ADHD. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
    Thing is, I've never noticed her having any symptoms of ADHD. I wonder how...
    On a lighter note, my science teacher said I got a perfect score on the Performance part of the State Science test.
  16. Disky
    102%. That's my Global History test score. Second best in the class (103 was highest >__>).

    And I have my first meeting for Fencing club tomorrow. I'll be able to learn the sport finally! With these skills, I can get my.... revenge on a certain man.
  17. Disky
    Viz Media photographed my friend and I's cosplay of Kotetsu (me) and Barnaby (her) from the anime Tiger&Bunny.
    I feel like I'm going to become famous soon.
  18. Disky
    That was fast. Although my teacher said that February would go my faster, especially because of midwinter recess and the fact that it's short overall. And then March would slow down a little, which disappoints me because that's my birthday month. And after that it's just wheeeee~

    Today I went shopping for art supplies for the second semester of school, which starts this Tuesday. These supplies were watercolor paint tubes, cans of tempera paint, brushes, ink pens (<3), drawing and watercolor pads, palette, artist's tape, and masking fluid. I bumped into a dude from art class, who I followed around to get a bunch of the stuff. xP

    Speaking of school-y stuff, I can't wait until Wednesday. That's the day I have my literary essay (on a book that was, in my opinion, horribly written). After this essay, we go into poetry and then mythology, two subjects I love very much. This also means no more essays for a little while. =D
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