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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    99.5 on my global history midterm, 99 on English midterm, 95 on science midterm. =D

    My art midterm will take a while. In fact, I haven't worked on it since Tuesday. The school is having all the art classrooms make a mural thing that they'll hang up in the wall this Friday, so I've working since last week with a few people to get that done. We have all the artwork for it, which the whole class worked on, but now us "committee" people (as my teacher calls us) have to put it together. It's looking awesome. However, that means my midterm is going to be held off for a little while. And if I end up bringing it home, that means I'll be dragging a huge piece of wood with a 15" by 22" piece of paper attached to it. Dx

    But I'm feeling pretty good right now, so I can go crazy about my art midterm later.
  2. Disky
    So my mom was just asking me what coat (light coat, that is) I'll wear tomorrow. I was like "Oh the same one as today" and then I stopped when I remembered I noticed black streaks on the arm of the coat earlier. So I told my mom of the streaks, and then said I would wear my red coat.

    My mom inspects my red coat, and turns out the arms have paint splattered here and there (artists ahoy). So that was no good for now.

    Finally I settled for one of my jean/denim coats. Although then my mom pulled out like ten other sweaters and coats and asked if they were better options, but I kept saying that the jean coat was fine. xP

    But yeah, apparently I have lots of dirty coats. Kind of sucks.
  3. Disky
    I saw it in 3D today. I loved it a lot, surprisingly. <3

    I also tried peach bubble tea today, and it was really good. Only, the guy put so many fruit chunks that every time I took a sip from the straw, I'd get more solid fruit than drink. xP
  4. Disky
    So remember that children's story writing contest I entered? In today's weekly student bulletin at school, there was a section that mentioned myself and another girl that got in. Everyone was like "yay" until we realized that my friend who illustrated my story and the partner of the girl I just mentioned were both not included in the bulletin. But my English teacher called the office, and hopefully they'll fix it in the online version. =D

    My friend in science class also somehow obtained Russia's (Hetalia) character CD from Japan, and let me borrow it for the weekend, mostly for the instrumentals. It's pretty cool, and has inspired me to draw a bookmark. As if I don't have enough to draw already (thanks for the pressure, Blade =P).

    And my dad is magical. He has this tape that is the same color as a normal, boring brown package. So since he has a package he needs to send, he found some random big box from a blender or something, and just wrapped it up in this tape. It looks just like a normal package, it's crazy.

    Also guys why is four-chambered heart more advantageous than a three-chambered heart? Cuz I have no idea D:

  5. Disky
    First I am disappointed that no one got the reference in the previous entry. You all need to go and read Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.


    I think I did well on most of my midterms. In gym, we didn't do anything for half the time (woo relaxing) and for the other half we played a soccer game. He said we deserved to relax, with all the tests pressuring us.

    My English teacher graded our midterm right away because it was so short - I got a 99.

    And for all you Brickfair people - my dad finally signed me up to it, and the check was sent today. So I'm officially going. ^^
  6. Disky
    Midterms this week, started tomorrow and ending Thursday. ;_;

    My midterm schedule is: Tuesday: Art, art, lunch, global history
    Wednesday: Gym (;___, science, geometry
    Thursday: English, Italian

    The only cool parts about this week are rapping in lunch to study for Global midterm, and possibly finally going to the Tim Burton exhibit at the art museum (since it's ending soon).
  7. Disky
    So I was walking home, and from some apartment building across the street I hear a beautiful classical music tune. As I listen and walk by, white petals from a few of the trees on the curb just flew into the air thanks to the wind. I just froze and stared at the scene until the wind died down (though the music continued on). It was pretty awesome. <3

    Another whoa moment was dissecting a fetal pig earlier. But I won't go into that. >__>
  8. Disky
    So the past few days, there was very summer-like weather in my area. We even broke a record in temperature. O:

    And today, the temperature crept back down to normal, along with a bit of rain in the morning and some light wind.

    However, during the warm days, not many people went to the ice-cream trucks for, well, ice cream. And today, after school, on this chilly day, I saw half of the people I know with ice cream, and some in the process of buying it. So I bought some myself.

    And it tasted better than usual.

    Why is this so? O:
  9. Disky
    So I realized how many people I really know well.

    During school it's all your natural day-to-day people, same guys in the same class and hallways. And lunch.

    But after school, once I got out with some pals, I instantly noticed a dude from my art class across the street. He joins us, along with some other people I see on occasion. We walk to the end of the block, and we're at the concert hall. Outside, this small concert group is holding a classical music concert, and everyone's gathered around. I see people from my middle school who go to my high school now (but I don't see them D:), and I join them. In the crowds I notice lots of people, and I find myself waving and shouting names and "wassup"s. And I see more people at the train station. And I see a dude from my middle school (who went to a different high school) on the ride home. And then I see a dude from my math class on the walk home from the station.

    And I realized today that just going into high school I know a lot more people. Elementary and middle school were so closed in, possibly because I was in the same school for nine years, but this is a big difference. ._.
  10. Disky
    My dad had gotten me a dry-erase board a while ago, and it's pretty useful. I got all my vacation homework done thanks to organizing what I had to get done on it (nuuu school tomorrow).

    My granny also got me three colors of dry-erase markers: black, blue, and red.

    The best part of the board is drawing on it. Most of what I draw on the board comes out bad (though I drew some awesome cyborg chick with my brother), and it's hard to erase, but it's fun. I drew Hamel from Violinist of Hameln on it the other day.

    So overall, dry erase boards are awesome.
  11. Disky

    This is Vocal from the Violinist of Hameln manga. Made on 9" by 12" Bristol paper and with Micron and calligraphy pens.

    First thing - on stuff I noticed in the picture that could have been improved: Some of the black parts meld into other parts and make them hard to differentiate. The characters on the ball seem placed a bit unevenly and mess up the inside circle. And his hands might be too small?

    Second - Let me tell you about Violinist of Hameln. About 140 chapters of stuff, written/drawn in the 1990's, and it can be fun. The only issue that stood out is occasional confusion with setting. While they're in a fantasy world, the characters sometimes mention locations in Europe and Asia and composers from real life (since they place music often), there are some technological aspects such as when Hamel's violin gets "upgraded", and once or twice there was a Gundam Mobile Suit stuck in there. Another thing is that they break the fourth wall a bunch of times, but I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
    Otherwise I really, really enjoyed it.
    But the anime was terrible.

    Anywhooo rant over now enjoy the art.
  12. Disky
    What is a good name for an ancient Greek mortal woman?

    I need a name for a woman in my English assignment, which is to write my own myth. While I dunno if it'll help, the story is about the origins of wind.

    Bonus points if the name has a cool meaning.
  13. Disky
    "...What is the difference between this banana and this mini slinky wrapped in cellophane?"

    Chris Taylor is the big man in Gas Powered Games. He's a game designer, famous for Total Annihilation, Dungeon Siege, and Supreme Commander. His current work in progress is Kings and Castles, an epic fantasy RTS.

    I cannot wait for K&C to come out, but while we wait Chris Taylor is posting awesome video blogs about the development of the game, one each week. The above quote is from the latest one he released on Friday.

    In his first video blog he was on a farm. "Here I am chopping wood... Making video games is way harder than this!" and "Now I'm feeding a horse. Feeding a horse and video games... nothing to do with each other."

    He is an awesome man, both funny and creative. <3
  14. Disky
    I was at the dentist earlier today, just for a checkup. But then the x-ray picked up something funky and she had to treat that. So she numbed the left side of my mouth (that needle was scary ;__ and then took out some tools, like drills (they're insane, I tell you). She stuck five things in my mouth at once and used the teeny tiny drills on one of my teeth. For such a small thing that drill sounded so loud in my head. ._. But then there was this device that spun around and it was so quiet I was instantly calmed.

    I kept wanting to say something about what was going on but obviously I couldn't.

    Now that I think about it I have no idea what was wrong with me in the first place. I guess I don't understand Russian medical speak that much. o_O
  15. Disky
    Remember the contest I mentioned a while ago in here? My friend and I managed to enter that contest with the help of my English teacher. The illustrations and all were on computer, so we had to email it. My teacher only saw the book today since I emailed it to her, and she said it was wonderful. With three exclamation marks.

    And recently I got a letter saying our entry is in the Top 10 finalists for the city. B)

    Winners are gonna be announced at a ceremony around June 3, I'm excited~

    Also dunno about you but a Biscuit Hammer is more awesome than a Banhammer.
  16. Disky
    So some weeks ago my Italian class watch a movie called Cinema Paradiso (Cinema Paradise). We apparently watched the version that the United states released.


    The actual movie released in Italy was 3 hours long, so an hour of important scenes were chopped out of the movie to please the American watchers that would rather see a shorter film, foreign or not.

    We watched the movie with those scenes, and it was amazing and tear-jerking. I just can't believe that such moments would be left out. While the ending shown in the US made sense, a lot of meaning is lost.

    This saddens me.
  17. Disky
    food entries ahoy

    Today in science, despite having a test (which I think I aced~), it was a very good period. First, I had brought in some Ukrainian/Russian biscuit cracker things that were vanilla-ish, and the three people who sit near me were eating them the whole time. One of these three brought in a pack of dango, and it was really my first time trying it.

    It was delicious. @_@ I want mooooooore.

    So yeah. The other day I had brought in some Russian gingerbread cookies so that was cool too.

    I love science class. <3
  18. Disky
    When I watch something like Vampire Knight or Rozen Maiden where Pocky is involved at least once, I just have the urge to eat Pocky. But I have nowhere nearby to buy it.

  19. Disky
    Thank for the happy birthdays in my topic and all that. And more thankees to Spink <3

    I saw Alice in Wonderland with my pals, and I liked it a lot. The only thing that killed it was when the Jabberwocky talked. That was just terrible.
    Cheshire Cat <3
    And Mad Hatter <3

    The Tim Burton exhibit was sold out, and we didn't have timed tickets so meh. Instead we went out and chilled.

    And it was a beautiful day <3

    I also drew Lelouch last night. He's really fun to draw, and I hope to upload it soon and show all of you.

    I don't feel like listing my gifts now, but none were super special awesome. Except the flowers, flowers are always nice.

    One more heart for you guys cuz this entry is full of them

  20. Disky
    He's the one you call, Dr. Feelgood~

    Tomorrow is going to be pretty awesome. It'll be a half-day due to afternoon parent-teacher conferences (which my parents never go to) so I'll get out at 11:30. But they did cut out a ton of periods from the middle of the day so I won't see several people. ):
    But afterschool, I'm meeting with several friends, and the plan is: Pizza, Alice in Wonderland, and then art museum for an exhibit on Tim Burton. It's going to be fuuun~

    also does anybody know what kind of vision problems someone would have if their cornea was damaged?

    I also hope to pump up the art block with links to school artwork as well, so it'll be just a general art content block. I'll probably get to that during my spring break soon, or on some weekend.
  21. Disky
    I got my report card for the first marking period of the second semester today. Pretty fair, 90 in art, 88 in English, 95 in Italian (I still have my "special aptitude" for the class o_O), 80 in gym (teehee), and 96 in science. I got 99's in both global and geometry. I don't understand why, but that's goood.

    Right now I have a really bad headache, and it's been going for at least two hours now. Sometimes it hurts because of lots of noise, sometimes it hurts when I talk constantly, and in worse cases it hurts when I take a step. It's terrrrible Dx

    Also I just have to mention how awesome tea is for sickness. I had my fusion tea that I mentioned before during my tea time last night and it was amazing. I breathed a bit better too, though then my mom gave me some medicine and my nose became so clear that it hurt to breathe. o_O She's sort of contradicting herself there by preparing me the nice, natural tea and then just giving me some really bleh medicine.
  22. Disky
    I got sick yesterday, starting off with a whole ton of sneezing, and then my nose got all bleh. Today I got occasional headaches throughout the school day, and my ears are all messed up. It's hard to yawn as well.

    At least now I get to fuse different kinds of tea that I could use for my current state to create one great tea with an unidentifiable taste.
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