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Lenny! (Master of Disaster

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Status Updates posted by Lenny! (Master of Disaster

  1. Have you finished the makuta show? I dont know which one, they're all cool.

  2. Oh yeah, and if anybody was wondering (which i doubt) if me and LOH are still together the answer is no. Nothing more said.

  3. Oh yeah, and if anybody was wondering (which i doubt) if me and LOH are still together the answer is no. Nothing more said.

  4. Yes I am still alive fellas. And thanks Toa Erin.

  5. yeah the new sets are pretty cool, hey.

  6. I like, updated my interests so, READ EM!

  7. I think Antroz is second best.

    (LOH first!!!)

  8. Delete the previous comments please! :P

  9. Sorry. I didn't know that you were busy and stuff!

  10. Please PM to me what is wrong and I pomise I will understand!

  11. I'm a little worried, please don't try and ignore me...

  12. Okay, you have talk to me now...

  13. I quit it,

    I obviously don't know how to do an ask comedy!

  14. Jealousy?

    If you keep that up i'll shove that computer down your throat!

    Won't that be fun? :P

  15. :P

    just kidding, I know you guys are just friends...

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