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Blog Entries posted by -DJ-

  1. -DJ-
    Hey. Haven't done one of these in a while, but I think I need to. Here I go.....
    As many of you don't care, I used to make comics. Then I took a break from them that never ended. Well, I've had some ideas rolling around in my head for a while for a new series, which would involve an actual plot (as well as the odd bit of humour, but it'll probably be mostly serious). Trouble is, I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to making it, or if I do, I'll procrastinate like I always do and it will die. But, I don't want to see this idea go unfulfilled. So I thought to myself: 'Why not get someone else to do it?' And....yeah. If anyone's interested (though I'm sure they won't be) I could write scripts for comics and then someone else could go and actually make them. I've even got a spritesheet made and everything. So there. Anyone interested? Even a little bit?
    Yeah, didn't think so.
  2. -DJ-
    Hi, I may be starting a RZ multi-series (groan!). If you think you might be up for it, send me the following form via the PM system.
    Sprites (Must be RZ. If you have none I will make them for you):
    Short bio:
    Some other stuff I may need to know about:
    I will then reply informing you on whether or not I have approved you (I am very fussy that way, I'm afraid). I will also then (if you are approved) inform you on the plot and will give you a chance to resign. Thank you.
  3. -DJ-
    I am getting really bored with absolutely taking no notice of the blog! I want any decent person to full heartedly look at my blog entries and seriously think about replying. Thank you.
  4. -DJ-
    Hi. I'm sure some of you view my comics. Well the PGS list is closed. BUT... I will let one last person be a PGS. You will have to PM me with your PGS information (how is described in the comic topic). After a few of you ask, I will chose which of you will gain the spot. In order to keep the spot, you must visit and occasionally post. If you do not your spot will be given to someone else. Post away!
  5. -DJ-
    OK, I like this girl. But she already has a boyfriend. And I'm beginning to think this other girl likes me, which complicates things. I just don't know what to do! Post your thoughts.
  6. -DJ-
    Hi, DJ N00bSlayer here! You all know I make comics, right? Well, I think I should change the kit I'm using from Rayg 2.5 (I'm sure you have all heard of that) to Vortex version Ultima (for those who don't know what this kit is, click here to find out). So what do YOU think?
    -DJ N00bSlayer out!
  7. -DJ-
    Now don't let the title get you hopes up too high but I might be going into comics! I have already made two and saved them and I'm working on a third one. I haven't got the topic up yet because when I try to save them as a jpeg but it always comes out blurry. Anyway If you wanna PGS for sure just post it here. Here is the form:
    Sprite sheet (must be rayg):
    Alignment (good/evil/neutral):
    Also if you know how to make the comic not blurry, tell me when you post.
    DJ N00bSlayer out!
  8. -DJ-
    On the 25th, I'm changing my name once again! Not as drastic as my previous one (for those who don't know, my previous user-name was "Toa Erin Nuva") just putting "DJ" before my current user-name.
    N00bSlayer (soon to be "DJ N00bSlayer") out!
  9. -DJ-
    All righty then. In case you haven't already guessed, I am going on a Safari trip with my form group on the 24th. So I'm not gonna be here then.
    N00bSlayer out!
  10. -DJ-
    Welcome to Butterscotch. I mean blog.! ! Ya know, I am not sure what you do on blogs. Write about stuff I guess. Weeeeeell, SCHOOL SUCKS!! BOOYA! Go Aston Villa! !
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