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Posts posted by -DJ-





    I always saw key to nongu as asexual or female...

    asexual means "doesn't experience sexual attraction". i believe you mean agender


    ..unless of course you mean "keetongu's species reproduces asexually" which is entirely different

    Since I understood that gender and sex mean the same thing, I assumed agender and asexual mean the same thing as well. I'm not a native to English, so please apologise my awful political correctness.....


    well uh. no, actually, gender and sex aren't the same thing. but this isn't really the appropriate place for me to be explaining all that; it would be a huge digression. PM me if you're interested i guess





    I think the English language disagrees with you on that one...


    you can throw around dictionary definitions and ~The English Language~ all you want bud, but in modern terms gender is used to refer to a person's innate views on how they identify, whereas sex refers to their biology. these two things literally Can't Mean The Same Thing, because otherwise people whose gender and sex didnt match wouldnt exist, which they do (i.e. trans people)

    just something you may want to keep in mind

    • Upvote 6




    Well, this was probably in the bottom 3 comics I've read in my life. Didn't make much sense, and some things were hard to read because of the coloring and font style.


    I think you might have missed the point.

    Have you ever read SBaHJ?


    Even if it's based off something, it's still hard to read.

    And I'm sure I'd still think it sucks if I read SBaHJ.


    im not sure you really understand though

    see, the criticisms you raised arent really criticisms in that the comic is deliberately written and designed to make it as nonsensical and garish as possible

    thats the joke

    if you dont get or like the joke then thats fine, but you cant really call it a bad comic if it was specifically designed to be the way you criticised it for

    also, pardon my french but i find it rather rude that youd just flat out say something "sucks" just because you arent happy with the joke

    like, constructive criticism tends to not be mean-spirited like your response was, so in future if youre going to criticise something (though again, the criticisms you raised here arent exactly valid but whatever) i suggest using somewhat more contructive language, thanks


    Actually, it wasn't mean-spirited. I feel it sucks, that's my opinion. No need for anyone to get so upset about.

    And if we're critiquing each other, you used very poor grammar in that post.


    i wasnt critiquing per se, i was just pointing out that a word you used had less than constructive connotations to it

    frankly, critiquing my grammar is a very petty move on your part; i could type with correct and proper grammar if i wanted but im much more comfortable with how im typing now

    so yeah

    btw, i didnt say you couldnt have an opinion, but yes there IS a need for people to get upset because you missed the point of the comic and then halfheartedly criticised it with invalid points and Ieven unintentionally) mean-spirited words

    personally im not upset, but your carelessness and poor comprehension of a joke might make others upset

    after all, if you didnt personally find the joke humourous (considering that the entire comic centres around being similar to or a parody of another internet series that uses that same joke) you could have said "i didnt find the joke funny" but yet you go on to miss the point entirely and critique the fundamentals of the joke

    whatever ive honestly spent more time on this than i wanted to, so ill conclude by saying that, intentionally or not, you were rude in your "criticisms" and in responding to my post you came off as pretty condescending, so dont do that




    Well, this was probably in the bottom 3 comics I've read in my life. Didn't make much sense, and some things were hard to read because of the coloring and font style.


    I think you might have missed the point.

    Have you ever read SBaHJ?


    Even if it's based off something, it's still hard to read.

    And I'm sure I'd still think it sucks if I read SBaHJ.


    im not sure you really understand though

    see, the criticisms you raised arent really criticisms in that the comic is deliberately written and designed to make it as nonsensical and garish as possible

    thats the joke

    if you dont get or like the joke then thats fine, but you cant really call it a bad comic if it was specifically designed to be the way you criticised it for

    also, pardon my french but i find it rather rude that youd just flat out say something "sucks" just because you arent happy with the joke

    like, constructive criticism tends to not be mean-spirited like your response was, so in future if youre going to criticise something (though again, the criticisms you raised here arent exactly valid but whatever) i suggest using somewhat more contructive language, thanks

  4. i have stared into the abyss and i have seen the face of our maker

    and the face of our maker is not the face of an ally

    this day shall be remembered by our descendants as the tipping point

    where mankind finally succumbed to our own careless abandon, and fell before the wrath of god

    and you, emkay, will be remembered as the harbinger of humanity's ultimate end

    may the universe take pity on us, and spare our pathetic lives in the wake of destruction

  5. i had tears in my eyes while reading this

    tears of joy

    the story is gripping, the graphics are beautiful, ANGELIC even

    it has given me renewed faith in all of humanity

    there is no universe i want to live in where this doesnt win first place



    Sadly dj has been inactive and the comics have been stopped for over a year now.

    What!? Why
    Nobody knows. I think he reached a hiccup which caused him to stop. I hope he resumes too soon.


    ok um,, people posting here again

    neat i guess?

    ok cool


    first of all its she (easy mistake dont worry uwu)

    and the thing about comics is, i really have no ambition to continue this series or comics in general. i mean, its cool that people liked it, but it just wasnt enough payoff for all the effort i was putting in unfortunately.

    tbh i really ought to get on with getting this closed. it was fun sure, and i did really want to get this story done cuz i really put a lot of thought into the story, but seeing as i really dont trust anyone else with the story, this is where it ends.

    if you stuck around this long hoping for a continuation, thats really rad and youre prolly really cool, but im sorry but its just not gonna happen in the forseeable future.

    sorry guys.


    so if someone could close this thatd be cool

    bye guys <333

  7. hehe, love the gag in that last one. quality.

    im rather enjoying this so far actually. i dont think i mentioned, but i really like the graphics, it all looks so smooth ans angular. nothing ridiculously over the top; its nice. top notch.

    looking forward to more bro. c:



    omg it looks so coollike the poses and the expressions and it all looks




    i love these though seriously keep doing what youre doing because im legit invested yo

  9. gosh DANGdem faces lookin FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINEim serious like, it looks genuinely good and if you feel like it you should go for that style in futureunless you like the adventure time look youve had goin on up until previous, which is fine toocatch ya later YO


    *soulja boy runs on and screams 'YOOOOOOOUUUUUUU' at you until you cry*

  10. Oh wow! Hiatus over, I get to see an update on a really enjoyable series that for some reason i never did comment on, sorry about that.loving the update, by the way. All lovely and transition-ey. Pleases me eyeballs.So yes, do continue being all cool and such. :y

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