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Toa Tarkana

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Blog Entries posted by Toa Tarkana

  1. Toa Tarkana
    This entire blog is brought to you by the number 7 - or, more specifically, the BZP's 7 Anniversary.
    That brought me to thinking about the number seven, and how popular it seems - I mean, there are seven days in a week, seven colors in the rainbow, seven bones in most mammals' necks, seven deadly sins, seven Wonders of the Ancient World, seven Chaos Emeralds in Sonic games, seven sages in The Legend of Zelda, and Bungie (the makers of Halo) are obsessed with the number seven.
    Why should this, of all numbers, be so...fortunate?
    That may be a question even Hapori Tohu himself can't answer.
  2. Toa Tarkana
    Once again, this blog lives!!
    Ya know, one of these days, I'll just break down and buy the rights to use this stupid thing. But that probably won't happen, since I'm cheap and I'll forget anyway. =P
    Oh, and the forum's back up!! Yayzorz!!
    ...Aaaand I'm out of stuff to stay!
  3. Toa Tarkana
    I think it's safe to say that we all gasped when we heard that the BIONICLE storyline was going to take a great turn in 2009. Among the things confirmed, it won't take place in the Matoran universe.
    We're all like, "What? Not in the Matoran universe? What does that mean?!?!"
    Well, my fellow BZPers, it could mean many things. I could be that the Toa are going to where the Great Beings are. It could mean that the characters are leaving the BIONICLE planet. It could mean that they are going to another island in the Endless Ocean, since no Matoran was supposed to go there. Or it could be that they're going to earth, but I think we can rule out that one.
    While many have tried to predict the outcome of the final battle, and thus, the beginning of the 2009 storyline, I am not. I will just wait for the year after this and find out then.
    And I have but one more thing to say: GregF, the hopes and dreams of all the Coven...er, the BZPers, rest in your hands.
  4. Toa Tarkana
    Since I was busy on Sunday, and since I plan to update this blog thingy every day of the week of its existence, you shall now receive a BONUS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!
    Subject: Iron Man - Best Summer Movie Yet
    So, like, the movie starts out, Tony Stark is in one of them green army cars, talking with the soldiers inside, then BAM! POW! BOOM! KAPOW! Its like, Call of Duty 4 out there! The army guys get out of the car, Tony just barely escapes a missile aimed at the car, and the next thing you know, he's a hostage of a bunch of terrorists.
    So from the start, you're like, "Oh, man, this is gonna be the best movie ever!", or, "Holy smoke, that was so awesome, my brain almost can't handle it!" Either of the mindsets would be correct - it is one of the best movies ever, and it is extremely awesome.
    Yes, I know Iron Man came out to theaters about two months ago, and I saw it last month or so. But hey, it rocked so much, I'm still talking about it!
    Favorite part of the movie: When Iron Man goes and kicks terrorist butt!
    I've gotten wind that sequels are being planned. But personally, I don't think they can top what they've already done.
    That's all, folks!
  5. Toa Tarkana
    Here I am again, wishing I hadn't forgotten to post a blog entry yesterday instead of watching a movie. (but hey, it was Spider-Man 3. You just can't pass that up.)
    Um, yes. So, uhh...how's everyone doin' out there?
    C'mon, there's gotta be somethin' I can blog about...what about...nah, to complicated...maybe...no, to Turakii-esque...
    I think my imagination needs work. Let's see, the best thing I can think of: Beef...Stew. Yeah, it needs work. Later, dudes and dudettes.
  6. Toa Tarkana
    OK, so Skillet is coming out with a new album soon, called "Awake." I am already a firm believer in the album's awesomeness, due to the release of two singles, "Hero" and "Monster." Since I've already put "Monster" in my signature, it's Musical Blog Entry Time!!

    Hero by Skillet
    I'm just a step away
    I'm a just a breath away
    Losing my faith today
    (We're falling off the edge today)
    I am just a man
    Not superhuman
    (I'm not superhuman)
    Someone save me from the hate
    It's just another war
    Just another family torn
    (We're falling from our faith today)
    Just a step from the edge
    Just another day in the world we live
    I need a hero to save me now
    I need a hero
    (Save me now)
    I need a hero to save my life
    A hero will save me
    (Just in time)
    I gotta fight today
    To live another day
    Speaking my mind today
    (My voice will be heard today)
    I've gotta make a stand
    But I am just a man
    (I'm not superhuman)
    My voice will be heard today
    It's just another war
    Just another family torn
    (My voice will be heard today)
    It's just another kill
    The countdown begins to destroy us now
    I need a hero to save me now
    I need a hero
    (Save me now)
    I need a hero to save my life
    A hero'll save me
    (Just in time)
    I need a hero to save my life
    I need a hero, just in time
    Save me just in time
    Save me just in time
    Who's gonna fight for what's right?
    Who's gonna help us survive?
    We're in the fight of our lives
    (And we're not ready to die)
    Who's gonna fight for the weak?
    Who's gonna make 'em believe?
    I've got a hero
    (I've got a hero)
    Livin' in me
    I'm gonna fight for what's right
    Today I'm speaking my mind
    And if it kills me tonight
    (I will be ready to die)
    A hero's not afraid to give his life
    A hero's gonna save me just in time
    I need a hero to save me now
    I need a hero
    (Save me now)
    I need a hero to save my life
    A hero'll save me
    (Just in time)
    (I need a hero!) Who's gonna fight for whats right?
    Who's gonna help us survive?
    (I need a hero!) Who's gonna fight for the weak?
    Who's gonna make them believe?
    I need a hero
    I need a hero!
    A hero's going to save me just in time!
    "Hero" is available on iTunes and Amazon.com now, and "Awake" will be released on August 25!
  7. Toa Tarkana
    All right, I'm slightly a Premier Member! It's bloggy time!
    So, uhh...yeah. I guess one of the disadvantages of having such privileges is what to do with 'em. Seeing that it's only gonna last for a week, I'd better think of somethin' quick.
    This may take a while sooo...Later!
  8. Toa Tarkana
    One of the more heated debates on the BZP is the ever-popular "Do the 2008 Toa suck?" debate. While I have previously avoided joining this battle, I have now decided, due to a lack of things to blog about, to reveal my opinion.
    First, the Phantoka:
    Lewa: Nice sword, jets are pretty sweet, and good mask. The gray on his limbs looks kinda weird, though.
    Pohatu: Cool tools (I'd just love to bash a Makuta with one of those! ), mask looks strange, needs to be brown.
    Kopaka: Awesome all around, except for the bayonet. He needs a sword.
    Now, the Mistika:
    Tahu: My only objection is the mask. C'mon, that's supposed to be a Hau?
    Gali: Good design, but no Toa tool. What's up with that?
    Onua: Mask looks wonky, also needs a Toa tool. (No, the shield doesn't count)
    There. I've said it. And with that, I shall depart. Until tomorrow!
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