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pls respond

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Blog Entries posted by pls respond

  1. pls respond
    No more chicken for at least 6 weeks!
    Seriously, I hate chicken with a passion, and my family has it for dinner at least 3 times a week.
    I is a happy person. Very happy indeed.
  2. pls respond
    My friend's letting me borrow it, so I thought I'd share my thoughts on it. First off, why does it feel like I'm playing a WWII Moderator for Call of Duty 4? Is Treyarch so lazy that they couldn't even change the HUD? It looks way too modern for a game set in the 1940's. Online play is almost exactly the same too. Which is good, because it's still great fun. Co-op is a nice addition as well, and Nazi Zombies rounds off the package. If you've got Call of Duty 4 and have played the maps to death, pick it up. If not, just rent it. If you've got it and want to play it with me, send me a message on Xbox Live. My Gamertag is to the right of this post.
    Next thing I'd like to mention is a new PSP game I've picked up. It's called LocoRoco 2, and it's great fun. Plus it's only $20, so I highly suggest a purchase. Not gonna go into anymore detail, though.
    Also, Quiznos makes awesome subs. Way better than Subway.
  3. pls respond
    Is good, despite not being as awesome as Rock Band 2. The character creator is definitely more in-depth than Rock Band's, and the exclusive bands are great and have fun charts. I've only played a couple songs, but they were fun, and the charts are better than Guitar Hero 3's. Plus, the music creator, while making sounds that sound like ringtones, is fun to mess around in. It's very deep, and expands the replay value by a mile. The characters are entertaining to watch, the tracklist is great, and it's just fun all-around.
    In short, BUY IT. But buy Rock Band 2 first.
  4. pls respond
    And I've got to say that the last level was so amazing. The improved Gravity Gun makes it so worthwhile. Watching a Combine soldier's body fly through the air and disintegrate is priceless.
    If you haven't played it, you need to. If you have access to a PC, Xbox, or PS3, you NEED to get Half-Life 2. It is that good.
    (P.S: IMO, it's better than Halo. *Is shot*)
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