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About Randomizer!

  • Birthday 11/20/1995

Profile Information

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  • Location
    England, Sale
  • Interests
    BIONICLE: Obviously. ^-^<br /><br />ROCK MUSIC: I LOVE the stuff. Screamy stuff is O.K with me, but not the kind where their always just mindlessley screaming and not actually SAYING anything, otherwise it's just pointless. ^-^<br /><br />NINTENDO: I've always liked video games, especially Nintendo ones. I have a Wii, DS, SP and a Gamecube. I do have a PS2, but I hardly play on it now... I'm thinking of giving it away. ^-^<br /><br />GUITAR: Out of all the instruments in the world, I love the guitar the most. It's just so darn versatile, It's hard not to at least like at least one version or style of it. I'm also learning how to play it! ^-^<br /><br />PIANO: If I had to pick a second most loved instrument, it would have to be the piano. Like the guitar, I'm also learning to play it as well! ^-^<br /><br />ANIME: I can't get enough of the stuff! Like the guitar, it's also very versatile. I've also recently turned to drawing it as well, but it's not turning out very good... ^-^<br /><br />READING: Especially anything by Darren Shan. He's AWESOME! ^-^<br /><br />TCG'S: I play Yu- Gi - Oh!, Pokemon and Magic, and a little bit of UFS, so, yeah, I like them. A LOT. ^-^<br /><br />DOCTOR WHO: Another little interest of mine.^-^<br /><br />CHEESECAKE: MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU MUST LOVE the CHEESECAKE! LOLZ! ^-^<br /><br />THE ^-^ SYMBOL: As you can see by this profile, I tend to overuse it a lot. ^-^

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