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Blog Entries posted by EjE

  1. EjE
    I see no reason to hate blue pins and red axles. I find their bright colors to be very useful when trying to find them in large piles of pieces. For example, normally it is hard to tell the difference between a short pin ( 0|0 ), a 2 axle ( +|+ ) and a pin/axle ( +|0 ) just at a glance, and I often will pick up, say, an axle when looking for a pin, or vice-versa. But now, with the blue pin/axles and red 2 axles, it is much easier. Also, the "high-friction" pin/axles and long pins are blue (black for short pins), as opposed to the tan (grey) "low-friction" ones. And if you, the reader, find it unnecessary, keep in mind that Bionicle sets are aimed for young children, who may find it very helpful.
  2. EjE
    I am stuck on BIONICLE: The Game, and I was wondering if I could get some help... (my blog seemed like the best place to put this...). Click the thumbnail below to see the full image.

    Does anyone know how to get past?
  3. EjE
    Huzzal! Thank you, mods, for letting us normal members have blogs ! I'm probably gonna go premier right after this week, though. Wait... unless... this was their evil plan all along! They give us free blogs only to take them away, then we want them back, so we pay to go premier! Muahaha, I've discovered your evil plan!
    EDIT: Whoa, freaky! My blog id (http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=####&) is 1248! 12 * 4 = 48, 1 * 2 = 4 and 2 * 4 =8!
  4. EjE
    Whoa, has it seriously been three months since I last posted an entry? Huh, I wonder why.... *thinks back*

    I can't seem to spot the reason....

    P.S. Current progress: 104/120 (really 104/241)
  5. EjE
    After months of semi-inactivity, I finally Removed, please do not state when ranks are aquired, that is something that is supposed yo be surprise. -Kohaku become Turaga. So I made an avatar:

    If anyone wants to use it, just give credit to me:

    Oh, by the way, I put my website up last week. Feel free to check it out.

  6. EjE
    Yay! I'm a premier! (I guess you evil plan worked after all, mods...) Now I can post here whenever I want to, not just for one short week!
  7. EjE
    Yesterday, two friends of mine and I were playing a game in which we rolled the die to see who goes first. My friend rolled. He got a 6. My other friend rolled. He got a 6. I rolled. I got a 6. ... ... ...
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