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Nuju Metru

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Blog Entries posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru
    Something has come to my attention,
    In many of the "In a Line" topic subtitles, the topic starters will say things like "Why did I do this?" or "No, not another one!" or things like that... but, lo and behold, they were the one to have made another topic in the fad...?
    People, if you want to complain and kvetch about the fad, grumble all you want, and be my guest to do so; but really, if you yourself made an "In a Line" topic to contribute to the fad, and now you're bashing that same fad in the topic you just started - that's not just hypocrisy. It's that kind of epicly annoying hypocrisy that makes me want to throw a rock at a window.
    Easy solution? Don't. Make. The. Topic.
    -Nuju Metru
  2. Nuju Metru
    Well, here's the deal. Over the course of my creative life, I've thought up a number of ideas for fantastical things in fantastical worlds to write about, to draw. But none of them ever really carried through well - either because the idea burned itself out, got tiresome, wasn't supported by good enough characters, etc. (What a wasted 55 pages I wrote for that one idea... it died because none of my charries were strong enough to hold up the epic scale of the story. Dagnabbit.)
    But now, after delving into my boxes full of past, and looking at some art from my fantasy world of 3rd grade, I have gained new inspiration from the old. It was an almost-forgotten universe, product of a trio of imaginative young boys including myself, created over the course of the year through countless recess escapades, drawings. Dragons and dragon slayers, wizards, goblins, mysterious forces, great empires, epic warfare - Somehow, the remembered ideas fill me with the kind of imaginative drive I haven't felt for years.
    Then, the most brilliant thought struck me.
    What would happen if I combine this concept from my elementary school mind with all of the other failed attempts of my mind of today? What if I find a way to finally create a world that I can call my own by picking the best of my own work and somehow fusing it all?
    I started to jot down notes on a virtual notepad immediately. I'm excited. I feel like this might actually get somewhere, a prospect that thrills me unbelievably. But I can't do it alone. I'd really love your guys' help on some fronts. One of those is the naming front. This is a quasi-european, quasi-medieval (in some cases, almost a medieval steampunk) world, with creatures from dragons to centaurs to winged elves. So I'd like to hear any names you can think of for that kind of world, if you're willing to give them. If you contribute them and I use them, I need you to understand that you will not be credited for the name. I hope y'all don't mind that, but I've never been good with keeping track of that stuff.
    Here are some things I would love some name ideas for;
    - "Goblins" species name; guttural, easy to remember, savage-sounding, not based on a real word
    - Goblin Prince/warlord names
    - "Bird-folk" (winged elves) Species name; should be elegant, stoic, simple if possible, not based on a real word
    - The Bird-folk are divided into two parts - names for those parts (should have similar root, but be evidently different, hopefully sound similar to the species name)
    - Place names (mountains, rivers, lakes, forests: it's all good, considering my map isn't nearly concrete yet)
    - Dragon Species names
    - A name for a guild of Dragonslayers
    - Personal names for any goblins, humans (latin/romanesque names), bird-folk, centaurs, dragons, wizards, anything you can think of. Just first, just last, or both names work great.
    - City names for any of above species
    - Types of undead spirits
    - Magical concepts/places
    Don't at all feel obligated to do all or even any of these if you don't want to - I'm grateful to anything you guys can give me. Thank you so much for reading and suggesting!
    -Nuju Metru
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