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Nuju Metru

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Blog Entries posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru
    Kex came to the rescue and shut down that stupid, spammy game. At last.
    I'm sorry for the shadenfroida towards those who played, but it was really pretty dumb. It was like any other COT game, only that its placement in the LGD forum made it increase post count. It was like a reward for spam.
    I'm so happy it's closed.
    -Nuju Metru
  2. Nuju Metru
    So yep. I downloaded the game Portal today, cuz it was free and I was bored.
    And I ended up playing almost all of it since then... Since it was FREAKIN AWESOME. Me, crazy much? Nah. Anywho, now I'm afraid to try and start watching the show Lost like all my friends have been telling me to, for fear of that being as absolutely addicting as they claim, like things turned out to be with Portal.
    And the Cake is a lie. Of course.
    -Nuju Metru
  3. Nuju Metru
    I couldn't post this week's suggestion entry earlier today due to my receiving and installing of my brand-new (only 45-cents!) copy of BIONICLE Heroes, Homework, and my Parkour Lesson.
    So now that it's posted... SotW ideas?
  4. Nuju Metru
    so do i take apart some of my new castle sets to aid in the ongoing construction of my awesome medieval mocs or do i keep em together for longer cause theyre cool and stuff
    no capital letters and no punctuation marks make me feel
    nuju metru
  5. Nuju Metru
    Something has come to my attention,
    In many of the "In a Line" topic subtitles, the topic starters will say things like "Why did I do this?" or "No, not another one!" or things like that... but, lo and behold, they were the one to have made another topic in the fad...?
    People, if you want to complain and kvetch about the fad, grumble all you want, and be my guest to do so; but really, if you yourself made an "In a Line" topic to contribute to the fad, and now you're bashing that same fad in the topic you just started - that's not just hypocrisy. It's that kind of epicly annoying hypocrisy that makes me want to throw a rock at a window.
    Easy solution? Don't. Make. The. Topic.
    -Nuju Metru
  6. Nuju Metru
    Anywho, here's some various news...
    At today's rehearsal, I sang my character's song for the play, for the first time with orchestral accompaniment.
    Got the new AT-TE, awesome set, with some minifig parts I'd wanted for a while. Plus, I just got a $50 LEGO.com gift card from my grandmother today. Any suggestions as to what I should buy?
    New graphics - coming soon!
    Members, I want your feedback on the club, and what should be/needs to be improved. It's very important that our beloved organization doesn't become stagnant or boring, so I need new ideas.
    -Nuju Metru
  7. Nuju Metru
    ...I'm on the top 10 Hot Topics list for my art, AGAIN.
    Seriously, WHY does this happen to my art, when there's stuff out there that's so much better?
    I feel like I don't deserve it.
    -Nuju Metru
  8. Nuju Metru
    A little look at the beginnings of my entry. A few things to note;
    -Yes, he has no legs. That will be fixed. XD
    -The silver hands are only here until I stop being lazy and yank black fingers and white claws off of some sets.
    -The waist is much to thin, yep. That is being worked on.
    -His torso is similar to my Uhuraz's, because I felt it was a cool and good design that would fit him well.
    -Picture quality sucks because I wasn't trying for good pictures, and I took these things late.
    I'd appreciate all sorts of commentary, preferably constructive stuff.
    -Nuju Metru
  9. Nuju Metru
    Obligatory photos of Nuju's room! (Bear in mind I took these at like 10:00, so I wasn't trying to make 'em excellent... which is my excuse for terrible pics. XD)

    Closer look at the shelves
    ...And the desk
    My "theme" of MOCs
    MOCing parts, all nicely cleaned up

    My awesome model Trebuchet, my roses from Opening Night, a photo, a fan, and deoderant
    Abbey Road poster (duh), and a painting I made
    Bookself the first

    Bookshelf the second (inside closet)
    Another set of shelves loaded up with tons of souvenirs and other junk and '08 vehicles
    '09 sets (Cendox and winter Glatorian behind the others)
    Drawer the first (Piraka, Inika, Phantoka)
    Drawer the second (Toa Metru, Toa Hordika, Visorak, Vahki
    Lower shelvies (Toa Nuva, Titans, Small sets)
    BIONICLE MOCing parts (with a cameo appearance of some instruction books)
    Brickmaster pull-outs and some bag things
    Maybe these pics will give you a good idea of what sorta cave I dwell in. You wanna see anything else, just ask, and I'll take a pic for you.
    -Nuju Metru
  10. Nuju Metru
    I now have 3500 posts... only 500 more to go...
    Plus, my Posts-per-day is now 11.
    In addition, I'm now on page 7 of the overall posters list! Only 3 people behind Bfahome! >
    -Nuju metru
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