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Nuju Metru

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Blog Entries posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru
    One, I tried out for my school's play, Oliver, today. I hope to be the Artful Dodger.
    If I get in, it'll mean less time on BZP for me due to a weekly rehearsal schedule.
    Second, to all you BZeatles, go check out Paul's new Club Contest.
    -Nuju Metru
  2. Nuju Metru
    I would've bumped the last entry, but it seems that I was rude there, so not much use to that... =P So I'll ask again - do y'all have any cool ideas for blog themes?
    And in unrelated news, reading Shakespeare as a book rather than seeing it performed as the play it's intended to be is, in my mind, butchering the material.
    -Nuju Metru
  3. Nuju Metru
    As some of you know, I made an entry saying that I was going to be on TV. I wasn't lying. It wasn't a fake. I was in fact invited to be on the Dr. Phil Show. For real.
    That's why I ask all of you to believe that when I tell you in complete honesty that my mom and I decided not to do it. After a talk, we found that it just wasn't something we actually wanted or felt the need to do. I have a huge rehearsal for the play tomorrow (when I woulda left), which would suck to miss, lots of homework inevitably would pile up, etc...
    This isn't me covering for a ruse. It isn't my fabricated excuse for not appearing on a TV show that I wasn't going to be on in the first place. I was invited. I was going to be on it. But I decided not to. I'm not lying about this.
    Any of you who're disappointed by my choice, I'm sorry. I just found that my play and schoolwork were more important to me than being on TV. Goes to show something about my priorities, I guess.
    Thanks for reading.
    -Nuju Metru
  4. Nuju Metru
    Something has come to my attention,
    In many of the "In a Line" topic subtitles, the topic starters will say things like "Why did I do this?" or "No, not another one!" or things like that... but, lo and behold, they were the one to have made another topic in the fad...?
    People, if you want to complain and kvetch about the fad, grumble all you want, and be my guest to do so; but really, if you yourself made an "In a Line" topic to contribute to the fad, and now you're bashing that same fad in the topic you just started - that's not just hypocrisy. It's that kind of epicly annoying hypocrisy that makes me want to throw a rock at a window.
    Easy solution? Don't. Make. The. Topic.
    -Nuju Metru
  5. Nuju Metru
    I've been taking photos and videos of my series of medieval/fantasy MOCs... In fact, here's a little sneak-peak for y'all:
    And it only gets better from there.
    (No, seriously, this little set is the smallest/possibly lamest of the lot.)
    -Nuju Metru
  6. Nuju Metru

    Don't have any good-quality pictures of me yet, sorry. :/
    But anywho, Grease is over... I'm so sad. Curse that darned end-of-plays feeling.
    -Nuju Metru
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