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Nuju Metru

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Blog Entries posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru
    I made second callbacks for the play! WOOT!
    Going to try out for the third time today at lunch.
    I'm totally pumped!
    -Nuju Metru
  2. Nuju Metru
    Well, I had the most amazing weekend ever at Brickfair this year, mostly due to all the super-awesome people who I met and hung out with. I feel like I need to give some of them specific thank you's, for the lolz and the memories. Here we go:
    Black 6: Thank you for keeping all us crazy people organized and on top of stuff when we were being random, and thank you on behalf of all the people you drove around during the course of the weekend. I hope your driving skills have improved because of this.
    Smeag: Thank you for complimenting my suit. At that moment in time, I felt extremely dapper. Also thank you for a certain RPG thing that I can't mention but you know what I'm talking about. I think it'll improve the game overall, even if it slightly hinders me.
    Deevs: Thanks for briefly critiquing my MOC in person. It was an honor to have that done by such a good MOCer. And Mazletov on three years in a row.
    Niki: Thanks for being such a good "Building supervisor" during the staff set review.
    Joehaku: Thanks for being my Stylish-Brick-Buddy. That purple was pure genius.
    ToM (or "Tom"): Thank you for wearing that bright-turquoise shirt. I found it to be profound. Also of course just for being such a cool dude (but not an cool dude).
    Frogs: Thank you for the swordfight. Thou art a worthy opponent.
    Rayg: Thanks for being inclusive and constantly sarcastic at once.
    Spink: You dressed up even fancier than I did; We're the bestest bodyguards ever. Janus will never have to fear assassination by terrible plot-points ever again.
    Janus: As ToM said, you're "100% awesome." To make that into a Piraka statistic, you're "0% humble." You have no inhibitions about bragging about how much better your story is than the real one. I liked that. Thank you.
    Tucky: Thanks for being so cool in real life. I really enjoyed all our BZPRPG discussion in person, as well as the in-game conspiracy heads-up and, as I said with Smeag, for "that thing that I dunno if I'm allowed to mention." Lastly, I know we're gonna have such a rockin' time next year. I'm at work on the character constantly... only for you, Tuck. P.S., thanks for that deal we worked out at ROTB.
    Nukaya: Thank you for the safari. We are the only respectable, proper, non-gits/buggers/twits in all of Britain. Oh, and Chief Waffles.
    Chief Waffles: You're smaller than all us, but doubly awesome. I need not say any more. Thanks for being that way.
    xccj: Thanks for letting me beat you in that Muaka/Kane-Ra fight. I knew you threw the match, just so I could feel good about myself.
    Veef: Thank you for implementing my "Man-Jump."
    Arpy: Thanks for getting promoted without me. But hey, I never wanted it, anyway. [/sourgrapes] But really man, you're a great guy, and it was tons of fun spending the weekend with you.
    Lloyd: Thanks for informing me that all was going according to plan even in my absence.
    Disky: Thanks for helping me "have fun" with that Exo-Force set.
    Primus: Thanks for letting me borrow your bingo chips. I won with them, but didn't end up keeping the set anyway.
    Steve Witt: Thank you for the ride in the Witt-Mobile. And rest assured, you are as cool as we believe you to be.
    Everyone else who I didn't mention specifically: Sorry 'bout that. There are just so many incredible memories that it's hard to sort them all out between individuals. But know that I had an unforgettable time with all of you. Thank you everybody for being so welcoming and fun to be around. I look forward to seeing all of you again!
    Brickfair, if you didn't gather yet, was amazing. :3
    -Nuju Metru
  3. Nuju Metru
    Today, I finally got around to packing up and bubble-wrapping all of the stuff that I'll be sending ahead of me to Brickfair this year... I am SO pumped.
    -Nuju Metru
  4. Nuju Metru
    On a few topics;
    NaNo - currently at around 3900 words, going for 5000 by the end of tonight, so I can actually be caught up to date. The novel is coming well, just wrote the first chapter, and am happy with it. And I bid good luck to my fellow Wrimos, can't wait to see some of your works!
    Theater - closing in on the opening of Bye Bye Birdie. This week and the next are our intense rehearsals. It's a blast.
    RPG reboot - for the record, I'm in favor of the coming revamping of the BZPRPG. Fresh is good, as is the new blood we're bound to get.
    Giants - I still can't believe we won it all. I missed the victory parade that happened in the city today, though - I didn't think cutting school would be worth it. But the day sucked, so it would definitely have been.
    Other - Not much to say. Life is good, nothing to complain about.
    ...Alright that's it, I gotta get back to work. Byeo.
    -Nuju Metru
  5. Nuju Metru
    So today, I worked at a thing in the city, this christmas event for homeless children. I helped them decorate gingerbread men, took dishes, put out candy, set up tables and chairs.
    All around me were little children and their families, none of whom had homes of their own. It really put into perspective just how lucky and privileged I and all the rest of those who have houses really are... I felt almost guilty about how I have it all, and they have nothing. So it was both rewarding and heartbreaking to be volunteering to help them.
    -Nuju Metru
  6. Nuju Metru
    Here is an awesome song: Dire Straits' Brothers in Arms. It reminds me of Mazeka and Vultraz, for more reasons than the title. Decide for yourself...

    These mist covered mountains Are a home now for me
    But my home is the lowlands
    And always will be
    Some day you'll return to
    Your valleys and your farms
    And you'll no longer burn
    To be brothers in arms

    Through these fields of destruction
    Baptisms of fire
    I've witnessed your suffering
    As the battles raged higher
    And though they did hurt me so bad
    In the fear and alarm
    You did not desert me
    My brothers in arms
    There are so many different worlds
    So many differents suns
    And we have just one world
    But we live in different ones
    Now the sun's gone to heck (It's actually the other one )
    And the moon's riding high
    Let me bid you farewell
    Every man has to die
    But it's written in the starlight
    And every line in your palm
    We're fools to make war
    On our brothers in arms
    Pretty epic, eh?
    -Nuju Metru
  7. Nuju Metru
    New Siggy... That means I'm lookin' for a new BZeatles/Beatles banner to use.
    So, you guessed it, I've decided that the first BZeatles contest is to make a banner about the club or about the band. The winning banner will be used by me, John, your Band Leader. (That's a title for myself I just invented ). Here are some rules:
    1) Nothing is allowed in your banner that couldn't go in a sig or that would break the rules.
    2) Your entry has to be related to the Beatles/BZeatles in a direct and obvious way.
    3) Anyone can enter.
    4) Either the 468x68 or 250x100 pixel banner size is okay.
    5) All entries must be in by Sunday, the 14th of October.
    Good luck!
  8. Nuju Metru
    Another double-suggested song from yesterday.
    Can you guess?
    It's I'm Looking through You.
    I'm looking through you, where did you go
    I thought I knew you, what did I know
    You don't look different, but you have changed
    I'm looking through you, you're not the same
    Your lips are moving, I cannot hear
    Your voice is soothing, but the words aren't clear
    You don't sound different, I've learned the game.
    I'm looking through you, you're not the same
    Why, tell me why, did you not treat me right?
    Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight
    You're thinking of me, the same old way
    You were above me, but not today
    The only difference is you're down there
    I'm looking through you, and you're nowhere
    Why, tell me why, did you not treat me right?
    Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight
    I'm looking through you, where did you go
    I thought I knew you, what did I know
    You don't look different, but you have changed
    I'm looking through you, you're not the same
    Yeah! Oh baby you changed!
    Aah! I'm looking through you!
    Yeah! I'm looking through you!
    You changed, you changed, you changed!
    Want to hear your favorite Beatles Song next week? Just PM me your ideas, or wait 'till thursday to post them in the suggestion topic.
  9. Nuju Metru
    Hello, fellow BZeates.
    It's a new year, and I want your guy's feedback as to some new stuff that we can do for the club, like contest ideas, ranks/duties, special Beatles-themed stuff, etc.
    Any comment from a Non-BZeatle will be deleted.
    -John, Band Leader
  10. Nuju Metru
    Black Oyster Pearl and I were recently discussing BZeatles ranks/subtitles, and have made a joint list of some. If you want yours changed, or have beter ideas, please post them in the comments!
    John Lennon -Rhythm Guitar, Singer
    Paul McCartney -Bass, Singer
    George Harrison -Lead Guitar
    Richard "Ringo Starr" Starkey -Drummer
    George Martin -Producer
    The Walrus -Goo-Goo-G'Joob!
    AntiRapProBeatles -Rap Destroyer
    Maxwell -Hammerer
    The Fool on the Hill -The Man with the Foolish Grin
    Jude -Son of John Lennon, Doesn't make it Bad
    The Yellow Submarine -We all live in one
    Eleanor Rigby -Lonely Person
    Blackbird -Singin' in the dead of night
    Revolution -Just wants to change the World
    Black Oyster Pearl -Drumkit of Ringo
    Sergeant Pepper -Leader of one Lonely Hearts Club Band
    Eggman -They are the Eggmen
    Strawberry Fields -Nothing is Real
    Sean Lennon -Son of John Lennon
    Day Tripper -Takin' the Easy Way out
    Dr. Roberts -Day or Night, he'll be there Anytime
    Billy Preston -Get Back
  11. Nuju Metru
    Aren't you sick of all those Christmas-related topics? "How many posts will you have by Xmas?" "What sets do you expect to get for Christmas?" People should be more considerate, and could probably say "the Holidays" or "December."
    -Nuju Metru
  12. Nuju Metru
    For all you artists out there, I have some questions about requests...
    -Are they hard to do/keep track of?
    -Do they make you more well known?
    -Do people actually request stuff, or are these topics more or less ignored?
    -Nuju Metru
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