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Nuju Metru

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Blog Entries posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru
    And I am among those people. This here is a multipurpose entry;
    -Curse Glee's cliffhanger ending! *shakes fist*
    -I get my braces off tomorrow!!!!
    -A real-life picture of me that I actually like;

    -Nuju Metru
  2. Nuju Metru
    On the one hand, we get a totally awesome new element, thank you Greg.
    On the other hand, Uhuraz just lost a lot of power. I forsee this new element, being new, becoming very widespread next year in the RPG... and a buncha peeps with the elemental ability to resist his powaz is not good.
    I love when I type out stuff like this and the BEST IDEAS EVER pop out at me as I do so. Nevermind, discard the above problem - I have a solution which is quite devious. >
    -Nuju Metru
  3. Nuju Metru
    So today, I worked at a thing in the city, this christmas event for homeless children. I helped them decorate gingerbread men, took dishes, put out candy, set up tables and chairs.
    All around me were little children and their families, none of whom had homes of their own. It really put into perspective just how lucky and privileged I and all the rest of those who have houses really are... I felt almost guilty about how I have it all, and they have nothing. So it was both rewarding and heartbreaking to be volunteering to help them.
    -Nuju Metru
  4. Nuju Metru
    I lie on top of the dugout on a baseball field, listening to soulful music, and staring up at the stars in the dark on a clear-skied, cold evening, alone. They peek through the black-blue dome of the sky, a thousand lights winking down at me, as my breath rises in a cloud of misty grey to meet them. The song pounds into my ears and tingles through my whole body. Rough shingles of the dugout's roof are the only thing keeping me grounded, keeping me from soaring up to explore the infinite deep above me.
    It is gigantic, and I miniscule. These stars are so far away that the light I now see shining from their places has taken anywhere from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of years to reach me, and yet... it has reached me. The unstoppable energies of the universe conspire and cooperate to bring things even as insignificant as the barely noticeable glow of these stars to everywhere within reach, so that all who see them may observe, and contemplate, and wonder, and wish.
    This sky will always be there, even after we have all passed, even after our world has fallen... it will always be there.
    I am merely one.
    We are merely one.
    But the universe is one as well.
    -Nuju Metru
  5. Nuju Metru
    EDIT: Republished for new content - New Set Posted!

    Pictures of the last three sets will be taken soon!


    The theme is about these two wizards. Scallow is an evil Necromancer, and Charon is a good "Banisher," or someone who sends resurrected dead back to the world of the dead, to rest in peace and not be used as servants of Necromancers. Scallow, it seems, is a very competent Necromancer, able to summon and control mass armies of the dead, instead of only one or two, at a time. However, despite Scallow's skill, he needs some outside help to hold an army of the size he commands.

    So, the Necromancer does what nobody has ever done before; he tries to gain aid from one of the Greater Dead, the most powerful beings in the world of the dead. He ends up forming a pact with Xethrinn the All-Powerful, King of the Dead, who, unable to come himself, being too large in power to be summoned by any necromancer, sends to the world of the living his envoys, the demon Wraithra, who are essentially tendrils of Xethrinn's essence which he can control. With the Wraithra in his army, Scallow's force of darkness seems invincible.

    However, Charon, the good wizard, sees of Scallow's strength and power-hungriness, and immediately lunges into action. He makes the sentient races of the living (humans, dwarves, elves) see this problem, and together, all of the living world creates a gigantic alliance, which is led by Charon, due to his expertise in banishing the dead. Charon, as his first act as leader, commissions the building of may war machines, specially designed to be able to permanently re-kill even a Wraithra for good. He also assembles a squad of highly skilled engineers, military experts, warriors, and even the unexpected magical prodigy, to aid him.

    So begins a great war between life and death...

    (Just to clear up any possibility for future confusion, this is NOT an official LEGO line. These are my MOCs, which have been built as if they were a LEGO theme.)

    -Nuju Metru
  6. Nuju Metru
    My entry earlier today... I felt, I dunno, good about the prospects of the coming week. That's very unusual, and it was a really great feeling, feeling that like after such a sad weekend, that the horizon would be brighter with the rising sun. I had hoped that things would be different, that I would change it all 'round.
    It seems that I spoke too soon. Today was pretty bad.
    Even at lunch, when I went out to my favorite mexican place with some friends and got a delish burrito, I wasn't truly happy. And that was probably the high point of my day.
    Oy vey.
    Well, at least the bike ride felt good, as I thought it would. Cold air rushing past your face really wakes you up, y'know?
    -Nuju Metru
  7. Nuju Metru
    Dontcha hate it when you happen to be in head-over-heels-in-love for the first time in your life, then you decide to let that person know how you really feel about them, and they reply that they're already sorta in a relationship, want to be "just friends," and tell you it'd never work out? And that they already pretty much knew the way you felt, so you've just humiliated yourself for nothing? And don't you hate it when, even after this, you still love them, just now with that terrible overbearing presence of their gentle rejection?
    Yeah, I hate that.
    -Nuju Metru
  8. Nuju Metru
    Yup. A grey, cold, morning, frigidly beautiful. Melted frost sits on the car, and the grass carries the sheen of dewdrops. The air bears a clean, crisp taste, and the wind whistles slightly.
    What a great morning to be biking. I'll get to see the sun come up in earnest.
    -Nuju Metru
  9. Nuju Metru
    Gresh and Skrall. They're pretty cool. Went to TRU hoping to pick up a buncha Atlantis sets, but they had none. The only 2010 stuff I found happened to be Gresh and Skrall, so I bought them, and reviewed Skrall.
    I have very little to say on that topic.
    Other topics, yeah, I could prolly type thousands of words on. But it'd all be complaining and stuff. Nobody wants to hear that, and I don't wanna burden y'all with my IRL difficulties, considering I bet they aren't near as bad as a lot of other problems out there.
    -Nuju Metru
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