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Blog Entries posted by mojicus

  1. mojicus
    Come gather around grampa MoJ, it's story time folks. I was hanging out with my friend today, and we decided to walk to where my other friend works So, as soon as we step outside, it started pooouuuring rain out. I mean, seriously, it was like the sky bust a pipe or somthing. I was soaked , and so was my friend. And as this happened, we saw lightning out in the distance. Not the little flash, but the whole bolt. It was terrifying, but awesome at the same time.
  2. mojicus
    Alright folks, I think that my GPS (global positioning Submarine) , the device had me and my family driving into a river, before fixing it'self. Now, was this a normal, small error in the map system, or was it trying to need me and my family to a watery grave? I'll let you decide.
  3. mojicus
    Wow, this blog is pathetically outdated and such, so I'll be trying to step up on the epicness level of it, which is at an all time low. But to you who choose to read this, don't worry, I wont be in the dark for long. I plan on coming back awesome, angrier, and more random filled than ever. I'm gonna be kicken ***, and taken names, so you'll have to deal with the But, if there is anything you would want my opinion on something, just comment in this or another entry, and I'll address it. And that's not cause I'm out of ideas for stuff to do, I would just like to know what the 'hot topics' are out there with you youngsters. I know I probably wont get any comments for this entry, but I'm just tellin ya straight up whats goin down, so get ready.
  4. mojicus
    Okay people, I'm packin all up for Florida, to visit some family I have down there. SO that you, the reader of this blog has something to do, I have prepared 5 questions for you to answer.
    1. What, if anything, should I get from the gift shop?
    2. Where should I sit? Window seat anyone?
    3. IF they offer me peanuts, should I take them? Are they poisoned?
    4. When going to the beach, what kind of shirts should I bring? Support your answer
    5. Should I run or stay if the metal detectors do off? What exits would you advice I go out of?
    6. If an Air Port Congo line starts, how long should it get before I go into it?
    7. Do feel betrayed that there are 7 Questions instead of the 5 I said there would be? How should I go about getting your forgiveness? Support your answer.
    Thank you for taking this questioner, your money/illegal merchandise will be waiting outside in a van.
  5. mojicus
    Diskys Topic for today is how she can't think of anything for me to blog about.

    Really Disk? You could have said anything, and I would rant about it, even like, the state of the Zimbabweans economy, or how great Russia is, or ANYTHING. I apologize for this fail blog, cause I should have given Disky more time, but she needs to stay on her toes people, right?
  6. mojicus
    This blog post stems from a argument me and my friend have been having with each other, which was getting ridiculous, but I thought eh what the heck, I'll see what BZP has to say on the issues, so, basically....

    Which is cooler/win in a fight, a horde of Zombies, or a Ninja? 

    [Disturbing image removed. -Shine]
  7. mojicus
    J-J- Join the DOWNFALL RPG this
    bring your family, friends, dog, anyone!
    Tons of fun, and I promise, no demons involved!
    Link if your intrested
    this advertisement does not display the opinions of MoJ corp or and MoJ corp employees
  8. mojicus
    Today, when we launched rockets in Civil Air Patrol, one of the rockets nearly killed me O_________________________________o
    The engine exploded, and pieces shot everywhere, and I had to dive down.
  9. mojicus
    Disky, I said I would blog about you, and I carried it out
    *hands over cash*
    Now TELL ME WHERE THE BOMB IS *Goes all Jack Bauwer on you Blog people*
  10. mojicus
    When asked to post about tofu, I was like, "What the *bleep* is tofu? Is it a type of sofa?" Then I Goggled it and found out. It looks like blocks of white cheese. White. Cheese. What the heck, what is wrong with humanity, a meat substitute that looks like cheese? Protein for fake-dairy? That's the worst idea ever. When not just make a zero calorie Tofu? Tofu is this months epic failure.
    Thats your weekly/annually/daily MoJ opinion.
    But Disk likes it so eh
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