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Mr. Bubbles

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Status Updates posted by Mr. Bubbles

  1. Oh yeah, I forgot. Happy Birthday!

    I know, a little late.-_-

  2. Oh, OK. Have u ever heard of the game broken sword?

  3. Oh. Did u hear about the game the conduit?

  4. Oh.

    My mom just got this game for herself and thinks it looks cool.

  5. OMG

    You have mick's autograph?



  7. Onslaught, a Wiiware fps. Also, the old Punch out.

  8. Our birthdays are on the exact same time and same year. Weird.

  9. Pikachu's real name is Leather Belt.

  10. Post on more topics and you can rack up as many comments as me.

  11. Prototype looks epic.

    Now all I need is the conduit and my life will be perfect...

  12. Same here.

    My favorie moc is my samus one though, not the big daddy.

  13. Scribblenauts. I have to get it. I can't though, im saving up for an xbox 360.

  14. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories looks cool. I'm gonna get that and Dead Space: Extraction. Hows Prototype?

  15. SLIPKNOT RULES!!!!!!!!

  16. Srry I couldn't leave a comment for so long. I got grounded from my pc and I have to use my wii.

  17. Stupid censors.

  18. Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Best game on the wii, period.

  19. That game looks really cool, but its too much money.

  20. That Pikachu scared the ###### out of me.

  21. Thats what I expected.

  22. the 1st is probably the best. And I've never even heard of Shadow of the Collossus.

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