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Year 16

About lunaticCircuitry

  • Birthday 04/02/1997

Profile Information

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  • Location
    The Land of Rhythm and Chlorine
  • Interests
    You are 6.5 sweeps old.

    You have a deep-seated love for ACTING. You've never actually been a part of any form of A REAL PERFORMING ART, but you think you would be GOOD AT IT. Your friends don't really seem to understand you or your HOBBIES, but that's okay. Who needs THEM anyway?

    When you're not reading TERRIBLE SCREENPLAYS, you like to COMPLAIN in your DIARY. It is your BEST FRIEND. You act all SMUG about it and deny your absolute RELIANCE on it, but in reality, that's just a blatant FACADE. Without it, you are NOTHING.

    You hope NOBODY ever FINDS it.

    You possess a SEA-GREEN blood color, putting you in a RESPECTABLE area of the HEMOSPECTRUM. However, you like to PRETEND to be higher up than you ACTUALLY ARE.

    Your strife specibus is of the TRUMPKIND. You occasionally find yourself PLAYING WITH THEM, when not TOTALLY OWNING SOMEONE.

    You frequently chat with your friends. Despite not seeing completely eye to EYEPATCH, you do enjoy a nice opportunity for some METHOD ACTING. Your trolltag is lunaticCircuitry, and you speak with a ^NoTaBLy aLoFT aiR

lunaticCircuitry's Achievements


Tohunga (5/293)

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  1. Hmm, you know japanese? I know some Spanish, Greek, Latin and Pig Latin.

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