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Dr. Keerakh

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Blog Entries posted by Dr. Keerakh

  1. Dr. Keerakh
    "Gas Tax" Law -- Bessemmer City, NC
    The government is trying to pass a law that will allow them to tax farmers for how much methane their cows release, in farts and in manure.
    So... you're making people pay for how much their animals fart? It's like being taxed for... breathing.
    -Dr. K

  2. Dr. Keerakh
    "A recent satellite image of the surface of Venus has revealed a shocking discovery -- what appears to be vegetation on the arid planet's surface. The image, part of a collective database of Venus images taken in 2007 by the satellite Charger, has astronomers dumbfounded.


    "If this really is vegetation," says Chris Tolmin, head of the NASA Satellite Imagery Division, "then this would challenge us to rethink what we thought we know about Venus and further investigate."
    Venus, the second planet from the sun, was once imagined to be host to a very Earth-like environment, that is, until satellites penetrated its thick atmosphere and revealed the dry and hot surface beneath.
    "Venus as a planet is like a giant oven," says astronomer Robert Cline. "Previously we would have thought no possible plant life could have existed there... but with the surfacing of this image, the scientific community will have to consider the possibility of alien plant-life."
    What is most exciting about this image is that it potentially gives proof of life on Venus. "And where there is plant-life, there is probably more complex forms of life as well," explains Cline.
    Currently, the image is being analyzed and the world anticipates proof that there is life on Venus."
    -From CNN.com
    -Dr. K
  3. Dr. Keerakh
    "After spending over sixteen million dollars and using over 48 thousand yards of industrial strength strapping tape, we of the Flat Earth Society were able to construct an enormously powerful neurotransmitter that can implant suggestions directly into the brains of the nearby non-Flat Earthers. Having set it up just outside of the Russian Antarctic exploration post (Vostok), we are awaiting word that all three scientists and 174 penguins have been shown the light."
    -Dr. K
  4. Dr. Keerakh
    Looks like Mata-Nui's a real place.

    You'd be surprised by the number of Bionicle-related places you can find on Google Earth. There's tons of Baltas and Galis and who knows what else in the world.
    I mean, seriously...
    Your average member,
    Dr. Keerakh
  5. Dr. Keerakh
    Whoa, it seems like BZPers have had enough of complaints of any kind. Post any negative feedback in the new sets topics and people will attack you like vicious dogs. I haven't done this, but have witnessed it. Hmmmm.
    I love some of the new sets, but some (like Tarix) just don't interest me. WHY must every year overuse the Inika torso? I LOATHE that thing.
    -Dr. K
  6. Dr. Keerakh
    After watching longingly for sometimes, I finally have a blog of my own. I've spent the day devising some icons and images, including the category pics I can't seem to incorporate into the block (any help here?). The early forms of this blog are pretty much done, and I guess it's time to sit back, relax, and use the thing. I'm looking forward to this.
    Unfortunately, with exams this coming week and a vacation following that, I won't have time to completely devote to this blog. With studying and whatnot, I"ll most likely just be able to check in on things. But I'll be here, adding things, tweaking and fixing things up. Then I'll have the summer to continue this blog and entertain you guys.
    Until then, I'd just like to thank Tahu-Taka-Nuva for making this Premier Membership possible. You're the best! And also, if anyone has any idea how to incorporate images into your category block, please tell me here.
    Until then...
    Your average member,
    Dr. Keerakh

  7. Dr. Keerakh
    I took pics of Tahu and Lehrak today, but right now I don't have time or access to Photoshop, so I can't lighten them yet. You'll have to wait until tomorrow, maybe even tomorrow night.
    I plan on shipping them tomorrow or Tuesday. I'll give word when I do.
    In other news, I'm starting school on Tuesday. But actually, it's just a "meet your teachers" 2-hour event, and the high-school goes on a retreat for Wed.-Fri. So really the first day of work is next Monday, so that's good.
    -Dr. K
  8. Dr. Keerakh
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «What's with all the Latin-esque names? "Fero", "Metus", "Malum"? Lol. 
    Other than that, I think next year looks pretty good. The Titans look kind of cool. I must say I am disappointed somewhat with the Toa and Matoran. I'm beginning to really tire of the Inika torso. Seriously LEGO, four years of the same? (starting to sound like political ads). And to boot, now Lego has found their "comfort zone" with Matoran too? I don't really know what to say about them. Really, nothing sets them apart from Av-Matoran besides some cool weapons Pand masks.
    Still, hands + awesome weapons + awesome masks + cool color schemes (TAN!!!) make up for it.
    And the backgrounds are so 2001-ish

    -Dr. K
  9. Dr. Keerakh
    Yes, the Bara Magna pic was faked. The background was made on Terragen.
    Yes, The Venus pic was fake. Green lake from Africa --> Venus.
    Yes, the Nexensis (which was only used because it was a cool teaser, even though the Mocs are cool) was a dunkaroll.
    My shenanigans are over.
    -Dr. K
  10. Dr. Keerakh
    Long time no blog...
    Here's the situation folks. There are roughly two types of people: those who like set-realism and those who like organic-types (animation).
    When we had the past three Bionicle movies, the set-realists got vocal with their complaining.
    When we now get set-realism, the organic-type people get vocal.
    BZPower isn't always complaining as a whole. It's just divided.
    -Dr. K
  11. Dr. Keerakh
    The school has control over our laptops and blocks things they don't want us to see... which usually doesn't affect me, but can still be unbelievably annoying. For instance, anything "Uncategorized" is blocked, resulting in tons and tons of smaller, personal sites being blocked.
    But apparently some image hosting site is blocked because about 50% of all images posted on BZP won't come up. Linked images to this site result in "blockpage". This is extremely annoying to an unspeakable degree because I used to like looking through the Art Forum a lot and now I can look at maybe a fourth of it. Please post these things on Brickshelf or Maj or Photobucket or something if at all possible for you... it would be so great.
    -Dr. K
  12. Dr. Keerakh
    Why do we never see (in Artwork 1) any pics of moments from the Bionicle story? You know, like book illustrations? It seems there's always just portraits, and if the artist is particularly bold, maybe a simple background. Rarely have I seen a drawing with a character interacting with its environment or acting out a part of the story, setting in all. Is everyone too lazy to draw a background?
    I intend to change this.
  13. Dr. Keerakh
    I have an annuity but I need cash now, so I'll call J.G. Wentworth and get some cash now!
    I'm wondering if that's only a local commerical...
    Anyways, I live! After about a month of having nothing worth blogging about, I'm back. and the good news is, I have some things I can write about coming up. I have a MOC ready to take pics of an a WIP at hand, so keep an eye out for them soon.
    I've also tried my luck at Mistika hunting, without any results thus far. I've decided to get either Tahu or Gorast first. I've tried the local Wal-Mart and Target, but only came out with Kirop (who is still awesome). I'm beginning to see why people love him so.
    And to live up to the title, here's a link to my Mistika Banners topic: here. I'm itching for some feedback, so if you would like to make my day and put an end to my obsessive checking back on the topc and perpetual suspense, please leave a small comment or two. Please?
    Your average member,
    Dr. Keerakh
  14. Dr. Keerakh
    I've never posted any stop-motion here before, as the short clips I've done don't really warrant a topic. But now that I have a blog, I guess I can post a little.
    These are the two best out of the ones I've done. The Velika one is pretty shaky towards the end, and the Idris one is a bit blurred by the effects, but whatever.
    Velika Inspects His Weapons
    Idris Does the Same
    Your average member,
    Dr. Keerakh
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