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Blog Entries posted by Iceter

  1. Iceter
    I think today is the last day for Premier Perks... right? I'm sorta sad. I'm gonna try to get up to 250 Posts tpay, too. I've made tons of G&D Posts today. I'm sad that it's the last day for Premier Perks, though. (Is it?)
  2. Iceter
    Well, the good news is, I got Jaller Mahri today, and he appears to be the definition of awesome. The bad news is that I've already lost 2 pieces.. One of the Cordak Missles, and one of the Hahnah Crab's claws. Don't worry, though. Even though the crab is staring at you with a Cordak strapped to his back. Even though he's about to fire it at you all six times... Even though you... *Shivers* (Exploded from the Cordak Missles) Edit: I've found the Claw that I lost.
  3. Iceter
    Ferran glanced, scared, at the place that his best Friend, Alcantraz, had vanished, like a Fader Bull, 2 weeks before. A fellow Fe-Matoran stepped up next to him and gripped the Guard rail. His name was Rakkan. "Wondering where Alcantraz is, Ferran?" Rakkan asked.
    "Well...yeah. Of course I am. He was my Best Friend. Why wouldn't I wonder where he is?" Ferran uneasily replied.
    "Don't worry. He'll be fine. After all, he is the lead Jailer. And besides, if he's...um..." Rakkan attempted to say a word that he had never wanted to say about the head Jailer.
    "Go ahead and say it, Rakkan. If he's dead..." Ferran continued the sentence for Rakkan with that little word.
    "If he's dead, he died in the line of duty. He'd like that. If he's dead, he did like it. Not to say he overly enjoyed it, but still...."
    "I know. I get your point."
    Their conversation was halted by the sound of footsteps behind them. Ferran spun, expecting to see escaped prisoners, and his hand went to his tool belt. He relaxed slightly when he realized that it was only 5 fellow Matoran of Iron. Only Fe-Matoran were allowed to take Posts at the Jail, nowadays, after an accident with an Av-Matoran shooting a low powered light bolt at a Guard Rail, sending the Ta-Matoran on Guard duty plummeting to his untimely death in the Forest Floor below. After that little incident, only Fe-Matoran were accepted, for their increased endurance.
    Suddenly, one of the five Matoran, one named Jerkax, pointed at something falling quite quickly over Ferran's head. It had glowing red eyes, was blueish-green, and appeared to be rolled up. As it unrolled it's slim body, Ferran Stepped away. He got a bad vibe from that...creature. At the same time he was stepping back, Jerkax stepped forward. He quickly became the Leeches' first meal and victim.
    "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH," He screamed, terrified. "Someone help me! It hurts! It--" He suddenly straightened up, recovering. He wore an evil grin now, and his mask and armor had turned from their normal grey to a Grayish-black color. He raised his sparkling, Protosteel blade to attack Ferran, when it was suddenly blocked. Ferran looked over in surprise to see that Rakkan had come to his rescue. He had unsheathed--
    AUGH! My Television braodcast must have gone out of control. Well, I hope you liekd your small Preview while you got it. That was hard to write, and having almost all of it spoiled.. uh-oh. XD
    As you all probably know, that last part was mostly a Joke. But the Epic part was serious. I'm wondering what people's opinions are about if that's good enough to start an Epic. Post, please?
  4. Iceter
    Does anyone think that they can give me an idea for a new Story? Like, a prompt? I don't want to update my Epic for a while, and I want to write another Short Stroy or Epic or something. I don't think I would be very good at Comedies. So, any good ideas? For Stories? Sorry if you didn't understand this. =/
  5. Iceter
    Um...Um...Um...Hi? I wanted to do a character Bio for a character in my most recent SS, so here is one of them:
    Ferran: He was an ordinary Fe-Matoran Jailer in a large Fortress off the Coast of Daxia, which he (Nor any of his colleagues) has no knowledge of at all. His best friend was Alcantraz, who was also a Jailer. Ferran Is most notable for being the only normal Matoran Remaining in his home Fortress after A Makuta Attack my the Phantuka and Mistuka. During the Attack, he was attacked by his Formerly Best Friend, Alcantraz, who had been captured and had his light drained 2 weeks before.
    Well, hopefully, that was informable. =/ Oh, and Ferran was a character in my Short Story, Iron Rebirth. It's still on the first page in the SS Forum, because I just posted it yesterday. =D
  6. Iceter
    As it says on my profile, I play Viola. Just came back from auditioning for my All Region Orchestra. Hopefully I get in. That would be really good. I got into the Orchestra last year, so that'd be 2 years in a row.
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