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About Corvus

  • Birthday 10/08/1995

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  • Location
    Everfree Forest
  • Interests
    Dark Knight is win. KOTOR is win. AOE is win.


    Crazy filter finished. If you've gotten this far I congradulate you. So, yeah. Dark Knight was a really good movie, by the way. Can't wait 'til the third one (what was it, Dark Knight Rises? Returns? Regurgitates?). Also enjoy KOTOR and KOTOR II. KOTOR's story was more solid but KOTOR II had better game-play. AOE's also pretty fun. Get to make these epic bases and such. It's fun. Vaka-Nui got me hooked on it.


    Bands I enjoy. Well, I like Motorhead, all the time. Ozzy Osborne is awesome as well. KISS rocks. Survivor's good for working out and running. Pink Floyd, if I'm feeling down. Led Zepplin's good if I'm in the mood, as is U2. Newsboys pre Michael Tate, and Jars of Clay. I like their space-themed concept albumn. Long Fall Back to Earth, or something. Um . . . oh. If my life had a soundtrack, I'd have Hans Zimmer record it for me.

    I enjoy several book series, besides Bionicle. Artemis Fowl (gotta love Butler and Mulch. Also like seeing Artemis's plans come together), Redwall (R.I.P. Brian Jacques), the Star Wars Legacy of the Force series, Sticks and Stones (Norm Thabit does not get enough publicity), Dragons in our Midst and Oracles of Fire, and a couple others. I'm planning to read Hunger Games when it's in the library. I will NOT see the movie 'til I read the book. Also like several one-off books. House and The Oath by Frank Peretti are good. War and Peace, although I don't agree with the author's thesis that abandoning the concept of free will in favor of governmental control is the answer to world problems. I'm working on Ben Hur at the moment.

    IRL, I enjoy running, hiking, geocaching, swimming, surfing, rock-climbing, tree-climbing, horse riding airsoft, nerf, boffers, TKD, and working out. Pretty much anything active. I putter around on a ripstik but don't really know any tricks. Also, I liked archery before Hunger Games made it cool. I have a intern thing as an assistant biologist at the Newport Aquarium, so if you pop by, you might get a chance to see me scraping penguin excrement and fish guts off of artificial rocks, or wiping off the inside of the poison dart frog tank.

    Resistance is Futile. You Will Be Assimilated.

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