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Japoro - Toa of Ice

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Posts posted by Japoro - Toa of Ice

  1. You wouldn't believe the happy dance I did when I saw your review, old friend. Also, I think this might be the first review you didn't nit-pick my grammar. =P

    Hate to break it to you, but I'm not exactly following the one-gender-tribe rule. Apparently the tribes are mostly one gender, but do have members of the other gender amongst them, if the wiki is anything to go by. And even if it didn't, I'm of the opinion that gender identity isn't as big a deal in the MU as it is in our world, so I'd ignore the one-gender rule anyway. =P


    (Are you sure your theory isn't because of the fact I wrote predominately about Lightning Toa in the past? xD)


    In any case, I'm hoping that the question of Beacon's former tribe will be one that will be argued over. =P




    On the topic of gender distribution: point given. It's your story, so you get to adjust some of the rules. Are you suggesting bias in my theory? That never crossed my mind until you brought it up. You're just trying to misdirect me. On grammar, I really didn't care too much, plus it seemed largely fine.


    Onto the chapter!


    Vokiri seems very likeable, and it'll be a shame when you kill him. Also, props to Rhonwen for not just using telepathy for rooting out threats, and using good old-fashioned detective work. If there's any sort of trial system in Aonui, physical evidence is much better than ripping it from someone's mind, and they could claim that telepathic evidence was forged/manipulating the jury's minds.


    Hecate... I recognize that name. I don't like that name. Also, the Makuta are just playing this like a big old game of chess. But given Teridax's tendencies, there's plans within plans (within plans). I have the feeling we'll be seeing some conflict in the next chapter if Beacon is somehow discovered. Asha is probably going to do something about Beacon or Volterix before she dies (self-imposed mission). Possibly Beacon discovered Pareo's location during spytimes and passed it onto the Makuta. There may be no traitor, just invisible enemy.



    • Upvote 2
  2. Oh snap, it's Inferna! She's back, with a promising start to a new story. 


    I was about to speculate on the previous elemental affiliation of the new Shadow Toa, but you gave us no clues.  <_< The closest thing would've been the eye color, but upon rereading, "the natural color of her eyes being swallowed up by bright red and neon yellow pupils." Armor color and previous mask and eye color are unmentioned, giving no hints. Although, with most of the rules of the universe applying, female Toa are only found in Water, Lightning, and Psionics. *checks wiki* And apparently also Light and Shadow (both genders), with exceptions being within the realm of possibility. So until you say otherwise, Shadow was previously Water, Lightning, Psionics, or Light. Unlikely to be Light, due to Takanuva being the first when he transformed. Yeah, Water, Lightning, or Psionics. Leaning towards Lightning, based on the limited personality shown before corruption. There's my guess. 


    Again, good to see an Inferna story on here again. Let's see where we go with this.



    • Upvote 2
  3. Well now, I was right! Amph is subject 39. As for why I thought it was Amph, there was the metal patch reference earlier on, the general unease of her with the Steltian being involved in matters, and then other information. Bism is land Rahi and Fire, Kya is air Rahi and Air, therefore the third member of the Trinity should be sea Rahi and water. With the info from chapter 9 with the dreamer scene and then chapter 11 where Hecate briefly described the mutations, there was a good chance that the dreamer became a fusion with some Rahi with sharp teeth, and the most known sea Rahi with sharp teeth is a Takea Shark. And now that I remember it, Amph turned into one in LST when they were approaching the fight with Deimos. And with her being a Toa of water, And for the review, Stara's a thundercat? Hecate made a mysterious deal with higher powers of the universe? And we see how Amph was kidnapped, apparently by Rarin. But people are heading for a collision course, and when they reach one another, nothing will be the same. I see three trios right now: Stiaye, Aeolus, and Japoro, the (semi)regular Toa (good); Rarin, Hecate, and Tageria, the Makuta (evil); and finally Kya, Bism, and Amph, the false Nightborn (leaning towards good, but could flip to be bad guys).Very nice chapter, I'm looking forward to the next ones!-Japoro, Icy Scholar

  4. *return glomps* Good to be back! Well, my first guess at the identity of Subject 39 was Amphitrite, but looking back, I don't think it's her. However, I will stay with my guess. And new chapter! Did the inspiration for the title come from KH: Chain of Memories? And we get backstory to explain why our heroes are freaks, and why we should love them. And what does Rarin want most of all? The chapter answers a few questions, and opens many more. Looking forward to the next chapter! -Japoro, Icy Scholar

  5. Forums are back! Wings is back! Squee! So glad to be back on BZPower! Now just to wait for full reposting and then new updates.

    As usual, great writing. I was wondering though, why is it called "Wings"?All of the other titles were fairly easy to figure out but so far I cant think of the reason for this one.

    As for the title, you'll see soon enough. It was revealed in one of the chapters before the massive forum update. So, wait and find out. -Japoro, Icy Scholar
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