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Mata Rahi

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Posts posted by Mata Rahi

  1. I was happy to first discover these gems on the Biomedia Project, and I'm thrilled that you're still making more! Your animation has its own distinct style but still feels like part of the MNOG world, a balance I enjoy very much. Any sneak peaks for us on what's in store in future installments?

  2. Oh man, I ought to try that brick separator trick, I was convinced that once you put them in those Mata brains were there for good. I can't remember any particular pieces I stepped on, but when it came to Legos I was not afraid to use my teeth to get parts separated, so a couple times I wound up with some pain that way. The worst times were when I heard something crack and I had to look the piece all over, desperately hoping it was the broken thing and not my tooth. :P

    • Upvote 2
  3. Aside from the Chronicler's Company, I'd have to go with...


    Water: Nixie, the reclusive astronomer. Or Kotu, cause she got shunted out of a place on the kolhii team and I kinda feel bad for her. :P

    Air: Sanso, the singer!

    Fire: Maglya, the lava surfer

    Stone: Ahkmou, just for kicks. Or Kodan, the first chronicler, if he wasn't so busy being dead!

    Earth: Midak, the taxi driver (I hesitate to give Onepu something else to brag about, hehehe...)

    Ice: Probably that crazy hermit who teaches you willpower in MNOG II


    Actually on that last note, it would be interesting to see all the MNOG II "skill masters" as a Toa team. So that would be Kai the sailor, Golyo the mahi herder, Taipu, the crazy hermit (I found him, his name's Kantai), Tamaru, and Keahi the guardsman.

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  4. 1. When was your favourite point during your stay on BZP?When Dark709 played that one April Fools' joke where he faked the end of the comics. That was pretty funny. -u-2. How long have you been a member of BZP?Oh gawsh, I don't even know. A number of years. I've never been partiiiiiiicularly active.3. Should that previous question have been the first question?Sure thing.4. Have you had any long disapperances from BZP? If so, why?I've lost interest for periods of several months at a time, yup.5. Are you as interested in BZP as you used to be?Not quite so much as when I was littler.6. Do you feel that BZP is slowly losing its members, or that BZP generally has less activity?To be honest, it seems to me as strong as ever.7. If Bionicle had not been replaced, do you think that BZP would always remain strong as long as Bionicle was ‘updated‘‘ on a regular basis?There would certainly be more content to discuss - I would say yes.8. Have I asked enough questions yet?Maybe go for one more.9. Do you want a hug?Sure :3

  5. It depends on how active the community is, and how much that activity degrades over time. For instance, whilst there may not be much news to discuss if Hero Factory were ever to go down the tubes and no Technic sets stepped up to fill the void, new fanart, short stories, and roleplays could still be streaming in. The only problem would be that with nothing Bionicle out there, no new members would arrive to replace the old ones that gradually lose interest.

  6. There's little I can add to the praise of MNOLG other than my own voice. When I first played, I was far too little to actually know what I was doing, and thus I never finished the game until many years later - yet it still made a large impression on me. Every time I go back to play it I feel as if I am once more in this mysterious and fantastic new world that I had envisioned so clearly in my childhood. MNOLG is a wonderful part of a wonderful thing, the Bionicle storyline.

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