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Bitter Cold

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Blog Entries posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Bitter Cold
    Last night it was seven degrees.
    With windchill? Negative fourteen.
    That's the official half-to-death point. You go out there, you're frozen half to death. You keep being frozen half to death until you come inside, or you reach death. You have about 5 minutes to make your decision.
    On a lighter note, almost all of my stuff, including my bed, has been moved to a safer place. Now I don't have to sleep on the floor. Yay!
    But all my BIONICLE pieces are still in my room, because the boxes are too big to put them where my bed is. D=
    Also, my mom closed off the vent in my destroyed room for whatever reason, so now I'm calling it "The Freezer," and putting bottles of soda in there to keep them cold.
  2. Bitter Cold
    Something is wrong with my computer.
    Occasionally, with no warning or definable reason, Internet Explorer starts "cascading."
    What that means is, I'm going about my business when all of a sudden, another window pops up unasked. Then another one. And another. And another. And they pop up about 4 every second, and they don't stop until I log off the computer.
  3. Bitter Cold
    Today I shall introduce you to Dr. McNinja.
    Dr. McNinja is a comic/serial character created by Chris Hastings. Now, I don't expect that anyone here knows who that is. Neither do I. But that doesn't matter. The point is, he writes/draws the comic/serial The Adventures of Dr. McNinja. His friend Kent Archer, who I'm sure nobody's heard of either, inks the comics.
    Dr. McNinja is a doctor and a ninja. His background is shady (actually it's revealed in Issue 2). His actions are fearless. And other impressive, cool-sounding descriptive-but-vague imagery.
    I came across this comic/serial thanks to BZPer The Orb, who linked me to the website in a YIM convo. I can't link you there, however, because there's some language that's not appropriate for BZP.
    I am waiting for permission from the guys who do it, so that I can begin saving the panels, editing the language out, and saving them to Majhost.
    So, with any luck, Issue 1 will be here before long.
  4. Bitter Cold
    Now that school's out, it's possible that I might start to suffer from...Clarinet Withdrawal.
    If this should happen, it's possible that I might record some of my mad clarinet skillz and share them with you.
    All I have to do is find a site to host audio files.
  5. Bitter Cold
    I walked home from school today, because my 4th hour is Drivers Ed, which has no exam, and the hour after that is for making up the parts of exams you might not have finished in class, which I did, so I was going to have to wait, like, 2 and a half hours for the bus.
    So I walked it.
    Never done that before.
    Ice on pavement sucks.
  6. Bitter Cold
    Ok, that was stupid.
    But I've been noticing some random axles in the new Glatorian sets. Which I don't have, so I'm just going by pictures I've seen.
    See BIONICLE.com for more complex multi-figure gameplay instructions..? =D
  7. Bitter Cold
    I write an entry, I push 'post new entry,' and then?
    "Intuhnet Exploruh cain't duspleh the webpage."
    We're gonna settle this here and now!
    *puts on boxing gloves*
    (Also, if you see this entry, that means I've won.)
  8. Bitter Cold
    Someday, after some occurence causes this blog to stop being updated, someone will find this blog and wish they'd known about it when it was still active.
  9. Bitter Cold
    I'm prolly not gonna get into BBC51 in time.
    Or, if I do, no one will expect the Spanish Inquisition.
    That joke never dies.
    I revised my Hahli revamp, but now I need to make new arms. =\
    You'll see Zaktan when I finish his weapon. =)
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