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Bitter Cold

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Blog Entries posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Bitter Cold
    Even in giant statues, they still screw up the pose.
    What, did the statue builders look at the Amazon stock photos and not consult anyone?
    It's a giant statue, for crying out loud. You'd think they'd get it right, 'cause it's kinda hard to change.
  2. Bitter Cold
    My original intention was to enter my Ganmen into BBC51 (the song being the theme song to TTGL, which is Japanese and I don't know the title), but I'm having some problems with the face. So I figured I'd build something else, but as Primus pointed out, that doesn't work with the contest.
    I have to finish that Ganmen, and fast! =O
  3. Bitter Cold
    It would seem that Viva La Vida is the most popular song evar.
    My entry is done. Whoo! You'll probably see it tomorrow.
    Also, I made a pretty sweet revamp of Hahli Mahri. You might see that tomorrow too.
  4. Bitter Cold
    Not a lot.
    But on [REMOVED - Shine - I know you can't mention this site, just don't remember why. Ask Kex if you care.], my selection is way bigger.
    I've discovered some awesome bands.
    -The Stone Gods
    -No More Kings
    -Cute Is What We Aim For
    I know there's more, but I don't remember it 'till it comes up.
    Let's discuss some music!
  5. Bitter Cold
    I got GIMP, but it's confusing.
    And the pic window can't come to the front. =\
    I needz a mask of the Shoop Da Woop so I can throw it on every pic I own. =D
  6. Bitter Cold
    I was watching that new show Cha$e. Seriously lame. Wow. =P
    Also, we have a DVR, and it ticks me off because we record House and Fringe back-to-back, but they don't overlap, and the end of House ends up at the beginning of Fringe. Well, my mom decided we were going to watch Fringe before House, and then deleted it after we watched it. Hence, we missed the end of House.
    But it's just TV.
  7. Bitter Cold
    I want some statistics.
    For those who go to public schools: Does your school do AR? If so, what part o' the world are you in? (I don't need your home address or anything, I just want to know if this thing exists outside the midwest US.)
  8. Bitter Cold
    Out the door, just in time.
    Head down the 405
    Gotta meet the new boss by 8 A.M.
    Phone rings, in the car
    The wife is workin' hard
    She's runnin' late tonight again
    I know what I've been told
    You gotta work to feed the soul.
    But I can't do this all on my own
    No I know
    I'm no Superman
    I'm no Superman.
    And you've got your love online
    And you think you're doin' fine
    But you're just plugged into the wall.
    That deck of Taro cards
    Won't get you very far
    There ain't no hand to break your fall
    I know what I've been told
    You gotta know just when to fold
    But I can't do this all on my own
    No I know
    I'm no Superman
    I'm no Superman.
    Now you've crossed the finish line
    Won the race but lost your mind.
    Was it worth it after all?
    I need you here with me
    'Cause love is all we need.
    Just take a hold
    Of the hand that breaks the fall
    Well I know what I've been told.
    Gotta break free to break the mold
    But I can't do this all on my own.
    No I can't do this all on my own.
    I know
    That I'm no
    I'm no Superman.
    I'm no Superman.
    (someday, we'll be together)
    I'm no Superman.
    (someday, we'll be together)
    I'm no Superman.
  9. Bitter Cold
    Today might have been more enjoyable.
    We went shopping.
    Anyway, I got a cool sweater, boots (I CAN SNOWSHOVEL NOW), and some awesome houseshoes.
    Also, Gamestop and Slackers both tried to rip me off. That's what they do. Movin' on to eBay.
    Oh btw, PM me if you want Golden Sun: The Lost Age, LoZ: Phantom Hourglass, Metroid Prime, or Metroid Fusion. =)
  10. Bitter Cold
    It's probably weird to use fingernail clippers on one's fingertips, huh?

    Also, if somebody can find me an image with a kid stuck in a pile of hay, that'd be great kthxbai.
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