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Bitter Cold

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Blog Entries posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Bitter Cold
    It roxorz.
    I always love when LEGO throws something random and almost unnoticeable into the magazine. If I was just skimming, I wouldn't have noticed those guys. I even went to the LEGOclub website to see more! =O
    Maybe the single most epic BIONICLE comic ever.
    But..that's Jaller on the back..with a giant Vahki leg... Huh?
  2. Bitter Cold
    I write an entry, I push 'post new entry,' and then?
    "Intuhnet Exploruh cain't duspleh the webpage."
    We're gonna settle this here and now!
    *puts on boxing gloves*
    (Also, if you see this entry, that means I've won.)
  3. Bitter Cold
    -Getting hooked on Dinosaur Comics
    -Playing Metroid Prime
    -Having a birthday
    -Serously enjoying my iPod I got for said birthday
    -Using an iTunes giftcard from Christmas
    -Being surprised that No More Kings produced a new album in May
    -Breaking the lawnmower D=
    -Hating the new lawnmower
    -Doing band practice and performances in parades and stadiums
    -Going to Six Flags
    -Doing this
    -Buying G'Legends
    -Seriously enjoying my G'legends
    -Buying Revoltech #066
    -Buying a webcam
    -Realizing I buy a lot of stuff
    -Buying a Gorillapod
    -Trading The Curious Village for MP:H
    -Tweeting A LOT
    Probably other things. Basically, squandering my summer. =D
  4. Bitter Cold
    I gots my class ring. =D
    But..it feels all weird to wear it..
    I've gathered you here to point out that I've entered Distored's SC#2, with an entry hardly seen by anyone.

    So vote for me or whatever.
  5. Bitter Cold
    I'm sneaking some time online.
    I'm done with homework, and about to get a shower. I'm typing quietly.
    Total freakiness earlier. My mom got ahold of an old songbook that'd been hidden in my room, we found it after cleaning after getting the roof fixed (long story), and she was singing random songs out of it and it was weird. Made it hard to concentrate on Spanish, too.
    Anyway, my sister found her old diary and was reading some old entries out loud and that was wierd too.
    My marching band director decided we should practice outside, first hour. It's cold. My fingers don't work right.
    Also I got my flu shot.
    So that's today in a nutshell.
    I'll pretty this blog up later, when I figure out how.
  6. Bitter Cold
    Work sucks.
    Our car's brakes are broken somehow, so we had to rent one so Mom could work today. Problem is, it doesn't have pedals on the other side, so she has to have help on the route. (I may not have mentioned this, I think I did, but she's a part-time postal carrier.)
    That help was me.
    We were on the road for about 9 hours.
    I got to drive for an hour or two or something, I don't know how long. Gotta put that on the record later.
    Also, there was a radio show on in the morning about the Beatles. It was awesome.
    Oh, and we found a road called Shoop Lane.
  7. Bitter Cold
    I had another one of those weird.. something.. I mentioned it before, where I got really hot and had trouble seeing and hearing? Well it happened again today. I could see and hear all right, but I felt like my leg was asleep for a little while.
    Freaking me out, I need to see a doctor...
  8. Bitter Cold
    It would seem that Viva La Vida is the most popular song evar.
    My entry is done. Whoo! You'll probably see it tomorrow.
    Also, I made a pretty sweet revamp of Hahli Mahri. You might see that tomorrow too.
  9. Bitter Cold
    I doez i doez! I haven't opened him yet though.
    You may ask, why did I buy a Blitzwing instead of saving my money for a giant BIONICLE set assortment this summer? Well, my inquisitive friend, the answer is this: I fail at money planning.
    But rest assured, the next time we get some boxes to clean (I'm starting to wonder if we ever will), the money shall lay in wait until I see enough reviews to spend it wisely. (By wisely I mean I'll prioritize toys.)
    And no, I don't plan to get a DSi. My DS serves me well, I have no access to Wi-Fi, I want moar toyz, and I'm still enjoying my GBA slot.
  10. Bitter Cold
    Voya Nui was part of the dome over Karda Nui! The Mahri had to put it back!
    So..Mata Nui was probably dying as a result of a bunch of water flooding into his heart!
    So, Matoro. He died to save the Ignika? And the Ignika sacrificed his body to "jumpstart" Mata Nui's heart!
    But how'd the water get out? Or did it?
    And how the heck did Matoran get on Voya Nui?
    Well, I PM'd greg about that last part, and some other stuff. I needz to knowz. =D
  11. Bitter Cold
    I want some statistics.
    For those who go to public schools: Does your school do AR? If so, what part o' the world are you in? (I don't need your home address or anything, I just want to know if this thing exists outside the midwest US.)
  12. Bitter Cold
    We had an assembly thing outside in the cold, about some folks I don't know from banks and crud, building an all-weather track for our school. Our current track is mud - I mean dirt, and so it kinda sucks. So, in order to get a new one, we apparently needed to sit outside for about 45 minutes and cut a ribbon with giant scissors.
    They didn't have a ribbon set up, they just got one out and cut it. It was pointless.
    Anyway, there's a lot of entries in BBC51 already. Wow. And they're all grey Toa. =\
    You should click on the entry below this one.
  13. Bitter Cold
    Why did you make so many awesome sets already this year!?
    All the Glatorian are either awesome for pieces or as sets...the Power Miners are awesome...
    ..I want to get me a Granite Grinder...
    I need a job. Well, an actual job. D=
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