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Status Updates posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. Welcome to BZP!

    Ackar is pretty awesome, as is Mata Nui.

    How about you?

  2. Well hey look at that! We've got a new staffie on board! Congrats, man. I bet you'll do well, mentoring the new members. :)

  3. Well now, I didn't mean it EXACTLY like that....


  4. Well, I figured you could tell me something.

  5. Well, I try not to have an ego otherwise that would make me look bad. Yeah, it's cool that I'm my own group, but it's even cooler that I'm part of staff.

    Now, I could go around bragging about that, but wouldn't it be better to brag that, oh, by the way, I WON the LEGO Mag Piraka Fusion Contest and have a MOC become official canon? :P

  6. Well, if you have something else to say to add to the topic's discussion, I don't see why not. But if you're just going to mention small little tidbits about my response to your review that pretty much becomes a conversation, I think that would be better off in a PM. Granted, if this were the blogs, then posting again would be just fine. (I've got to watch out for that myself.

  7. What anime is that from? I can't find it on anime search databases.

  8. What are you talking about? I saw plenty in it!


    Actually, you were the only one to mention the shoulder balls. I think they're very different and controversial.

  9. What can you tell me about The Plague Doctor? Something dealing with a beaked head?

  10. What did you mean by "Zaktan has emerald armor"?

    The sand green? Certainly not the gold.

  11. What's that thing in your banner? It's cool.

  12. What's the quote in your sig from? I have my guesses....

  13. What's up? I'll shoot you a PM later, but wanted to tell you I know you exist and got it....

  14. What's your favorite J-pop? I really like Nami Tamaki.

  15. What's your personal pic? It looks like a Mass Production Eva, and seeing as how you mention Ed Elric in your "interests" I thought I'd ask.

  16. What's your sig?

  17. Whoa, I missed something...but nice job!

  18. Why, yes, I am that Piraka Fusion guy.


  19. Wow.

    Going to Katsucon?

  20. Yay another news reporter! Congrats!

  21. Yay! A comment, finally!

    Thanx, glad you like it!

    (I can't seem to see it in these small boxes, though)


  22. Yeah, it always helps to look at who's reviewing.

    I don't think I'll be doing any reviews any time soon.

  23. Yeah, it was from a Lego Mag contest back in January of 2006. Fuse two Piraka together.

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