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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    well, I got my ears lowered today. But I guess I needed it.
    If you know what I look like, just picture it shorter everywhere.
    If you don't know what I look like, I have a picture here.
    And that's today's blog entry!
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    I swung by the LEGO Store on the way home from my New Years festivities yesterday and picked up a few things:
    Nex 2.0
    Stormer 2.0
    Midi-Scale Star Destroyer for $20
    That last one was sort of a "why not?" purchase. I didn't have to, but it looks like it has some neat pieces, and will look nice on my shelf until I make use of it. While it's no Millennium Falcon, I don't think I'll regret the purchase (unlike some sets (caughShadowSnappercaugh)).
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    I felt like making that the description for this.
    Also, my current wallpaper.
    After it was this. (I always changed to my Star Wars calender pix at the start of the month)
    And I got Downfall today, which pauses reading The Golden Compass, Inkspell, and On Writing, (Not to mention I haven't started The Two Towers.). I should be finishing it shortly, like before bed tonight perhaps. (It also pauses reading Northanger Abbey, for school, which I absolutely can't stand, and even worse I have to finish it by Monday.)
    Quote of the Day: “I have no friends,” said Mantax. “Only enemies I haven’t killed yet.”
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    I saw The Adjustment Bureau yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I would say my favorite part was the writing and action that made the movie different and not cookie-cutter:
    -The bureau members were not stereotypically shady and clouded, just secretive (you would expect the "boss" to have a raspy voice and be cryptic, but he's "normal."). You're first thought is "defend yourself," but then you realize they aren't going to hurt you.
    -For the first third or so you think "what is going on?", which is good because it keeps you guessing and enjoying the pace as things open up.
    -Various other clever moments in writing that made me enjoy this movie.
    Also, I think that in 20-35 years or whatever, Matt Damon could be the next Liam Neeson.* Not like an exact replica of Taken and A-Team, for example, but I could see him in similar government/secretive movies (kind of like how he does now, but older of course). Except Neeson has that voice.
    *Speaking of, Unknown was alright. Not bad, not spectacular. Taken was better.
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