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Caius the Liberator

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About Caius the Liberator

  • Birthday 10/04/1993

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    Precisely where I need to be, when I need to be there.
  • Interests
    It has been quite some time since I was involved on BZPower. My Spinnie tells me I've been around for 6 years. A lot of growing in that time. My interests now include my university education, I want to be an English teacher. Writers such as Tolkien and even Farshety taught me that the key to good fantasy is to create a universe. That is the writer's responsibility. The Plot and Characters will be come to exist on their own to fill the universe. I have a beautiful and loving girlfriend who I intend to marry sooner than later. She has become my life like Bionicle was my childhood. I am a fan of video game comentators of all kinds. Nostalgia never escapes me and I have no shame in returning to the cartoons and games of my childhood for sheer enjoyment.

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  1. Hey, Tohu did win in the end, so Ignus is right, romansoldierdude! I'd still like to see Dume return, though... just so Tohu can kick his vahki butt! :P

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