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Posts posted by rollabar

  1. I am definitely going to use this xD thanks! I've been looking for a chronology of the different medias for a while as I'm trying to reread everything to prepare for 2015 :)

    I also appreciate your comment about MNOG II as I found it boring and never finished it. 

    Wow ok just read the majority of this thing. This is great. I love it. The staff and every fan of BIONICLE ever should see this. This is so impressive. 

  2. The Modification's actually in the Alpha stage right now, and I'll let you know once the first release is out. Rahkshi won't be for a while, but I am planning on at least the main 6. All 42 might be a little overboard, but I'll see what I can do. I'll also work on a server plug in as well.
    Ok thanks that'll be cool :D
  3. I think rahkshi mobs would be awesome, and I was thinking, if I could figure out how, to actually make all 42!! :biggrin: Anyways, how do I download this modification? And will you make a plugin version for servers? (please?)

  4. Iron Shard, Fe-Clysmaxrollabar The inhabitants of the Iron Shard can often be found hard at work, while they dream of creating the newest little (or not so little) creation, and impress everyone around them. Sadly, for many, this is but a dream. So they try to increase there crafting skills by recreating old buildings, tools, and machines. Yet they are not satisfied even creating an enormous building, unless it was designed or invented by them. Because of all these items being made, the shard is cluttered with stuff. Odd contraptions can be seen rolling down roads, and towering buildings provide shade for the population below. But often, ditched designs lye about, waiting to be melted down for some other use. With the populations dream for creating the new, no two creations seem to be the same. It may just be an extra, useless button, added to an old design, or a building twice the size of its counterpart, but nothing is the same on the Iron Shard. The ruler of the Iron Shard makes ALL the big decisions, weather his shard's citizens approve or not. The citizens don’t really care that much though, as there leader makes good decisions most of the time, and when he doesn’t, well, they work (really anytime there sad they go work on some new little trinket and such).

  5. I have Glatorian and Phantoka/Mistika sitting on shelves in my bedroom. Some of them, If you just touch them to hard, a hand or such will fall of. My tarduk's joints have been totally destroyed. Its sad :(And I never really thought about the lime pieces being fragile, but now that you guys mention it, that is very true.

  6. Let's narrow it down to our possible suspects:Keetongu: Mysterious being who respects the three virtues.Krika: possibly just pretended to be a MakutaDume: Not much is told about his pastVelika: Riddle speaking and sword fixing matoranI personally think it's Keetongu, the most evidence points to him. Greg even said that any Ko-character would be a good guess, and he did live in Ko-Metru. He has an eye that would be perfect for observing the MU. He didn't get involved much, and when he did, he just helped what was destined to be. He even refused to cure the Toa Hordika at first, and did it only when he was sure he had to, so they could complete their destiny. Also as I said before, he didn't feel bad killing, or "shutting down", Sidorak. Other than helping the Toa Hordika, Keetongu did hardly anything else, and didn't get involved in much. All the other canidates are canidates based on what we assume to know about them, like Krika not being a Makuta. We know that Keetongu is a being of great power, built for observation, and respects the three virtues. Thoes are perfect qualifications to be the GB.
    Keetongu is a great candidate we don't know much about him and he has seen a lot of the MU.Krika has been killed so he is off the list.I agree with Dume beening on the list.Velika is difficult. I feel we did not know him well enough to write off as a possible GB, but there is enough evidence against him too.But there is one more suspect I would like to add and the most obvious of them all which is Lesovikk. He doesn't follow the Toa code, he has been around the MU for years and his air sword was found next to Karzahni's corpse.
    It actually wasn't proven that Lesovikk killed Karzahni. I doubt he was the one that killed Karzahni, because if he wanted Karzahni dead, he would have killed him before when he, Sarda, and Idris captured him. Also, Lesovikk wasn't in the story that much, possibly even less then Velika. Lezovikk only appeared in Dreams of Destruction from what I recall(aside from when Kopaka and Pohatu found his sword next to Karzhani).
  7. Personally, I like things being kind of "official". Like I don't like reading fan fiction that directly connects to the BIONICLE story because 1) it could conflict with the original BIONICLE story or other fan fiction and 2) Its just not, well, official. I like the officialness of it. Personally, if someone wrote a good piece of fan fiction continuing on the BIONICLe story and it was greatly excepted by the BIONICLE community as something "official" I'd be happy. LEGO doesn't have to officially accept it into the official(how many times have i used that word?) storyline, it could just be thought of by fans as the normal BIONICLE story. I hope that makes sense. And thank you for making this topic, it's really bugged me that the story hasn't continued. I'm very interested in the gold-skinned being and would love to know more about it. Also apparently(correct me if i'm wrong) according to the Faber Files the BIONICLE story was supposed to take place in 2011 on the jungle planet (can't remember it's name)I just looked on the Faber Files though and I couldn't find the post I got this information from O.o)

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