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lem master of jungle

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Posts posted by lem master of jungle

  1. I just completed kopakas stage and when i went back to the toa select menu there's a button on the lower left i could now access, welp, this was the result (i tried taking a snapshot from the menu but my phone can't so i used the games snapshot feature from a level) i've yet to beat the other toas stories but i'm sure they've got selectable combo models as well.


    Here's the image of kopaka: http://i802.photobucket.com/albums/yy306/rebelsoldier112/MyImageName1_zps0poadbit.png

    (P.S idk if this counts as news or whatever but only staff can post in news, if this is in the wrong area i apoligize)

  2. I didn't see the part about this being tf2 inspired at first, I was tempted to say "Sentry Down!" as my entire post. Even if it is basic, that arm and wrench are very nice features.


    So this is using parts that were essentially molded from LEGO elements? I might check out my five below if only for the novelty of it. I grabbed one of the transformers construct o bots last time I was there for similar reasons.

    Haha you should have said that! and yeah they're carbon copies of legos hf2.0 system parts minus the lego brandmarks, ik he's pretty basic but i might swing by my local five below again and snag a few to make them more unique :) glad you like it

  3. The vex of Alpha hyperion and the destro of Omega draxus were once peaceful races of mechanical beings, until Dr. Chronus in the name of creating an improved and "evolved" form of mech, began to constantly rebuild and modify himself to the point of all sense of right and wrong no longer exists, now mad with power Dr. Chronus has hired two bots, a destro engineer and an off-world mercenary to lead his army known as the "destrabuild" and drain Alpha Hyperion of all it's energy and resources to rebuild Omega Draxus and it's people into the perfect war-machines, not willing to sit by as their planet is threatened by the destro, bachus leads a special task force called the "vercortek" with the aid of a lightning fast recon scout and built-tough weapons specialist, the war between good and evil is about to begin.


    alignment - destrabuild organization.

    occupation - engineer/communications.

    traits/attributes - can construct a portable turret along with two recon drones housed on each shoulder, builds teleporters that transport troops where they need to be, can construct anything on the go and is the driving force behind troop production for destrabuild.

    weapon of choice - modified wrench which allows teleportation to lab at destrabuild HQ, teleportation seems to work off-world allowing for planetary transportation, this has not yet been confirmed.


    Cortex is a soft-spoken, amiable destro from Omega Draxus with an interest in all things scientific and technoligical. He specializes in constructing and maintaining Buildings that provide support to his team, rather than fighting at the front lines. This Engineer's various gadgets include an automated turret that fires at any enemy in range and Teleporters which can quickly transport troops from point A to point B, even across planets.
    Because Cortex's ingenious devices are under constant threat of sabotage at the hands of the Vecortek, he must keep his gear under a watchful optic and under repair with his modified Wrench at all times. When he needs to get his hands dirty, Cortex's duo recon drones, along with the assistance of his helpful hardware, make him more than capable of holding his own in a fight. If need be, cortex can even pick up and haul constructed buildings to redeploy them in more favorable locations with his right hand.

    welp, now that that's out of the way, on to the MOC itself!

    Cortex's base figure started out as a $3 knockoff hero factory set from Five Below, which is suprising because the plastic and quality (at least on all of mine) is pretty close to lego and in case you haven't caught on yet, this MOC is very tf2 engineer inspired (with those goggles how could i not?)

    i wasn't very fond of the "stock design and since i wanted this guy to have a few tf2 engineer inspired elements, i created a right arm that mimics the gunslinger which replaces the engineer's right forearm with a completely robotic one, and his wrench which is based on the eureka effect (the weapon not the "aha moment" lol) 

    i have all six KO's that five below is currently selling and intend to give them the same tf2/custom treatment, C&C always welcome fellas

    cheers engineers! wink2.gif


    gallery: http://imgur.com/a/cqueU

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