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Posts posted by Kumata

  1. They weren't abandoning the Matoran, though. They fully intended to come back and rescue them, it was just that when they made their initial escape to the island of Mata Nui, they didn't have the means to carry 1000 Matoran pods.


    And they knew that without the Mask of Time there was nothing Teridax could do to the Matoran in the interim.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Funny you should suggest that they 'kill 'Teridax because the main article in the Toa Code is actually "Toa do not kill". Nothing against running away.


    Also I don't think there was anything in Vakama's vision that persuaded him per se, it was just that by that point he'd come to trust his visions after several others had come true, and so had his teammates.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I really think the new Gali suffers from excessive use of gunmetal gray. 

    The problem I have with all the 2015 Toa is the use of multiple metallic colours; silver, gold and gunmetal grey. I understand it's done to save making parts in new colours, but I think they would really benefit from just one of each.

  4. Wait a Rahi picking minute... I literally just seen these pictures on a web-search I did looking for decent Gali picks... Did you post these on flickr or something? It was animated or alike as it kept switching between the two color designs...

    I posted them on my Tumblr and DeviantArt, yeah.



    Great job! Are you going to cover the rest of the Toa now?


    Pohatu's already done, Lewa is on the way... but I've only been making these because I'm in a Bionicle mood; if I start forcing myself to make the other 3 they'll turn out rubbish. So we'l see. :)

  5. Similar to my previous take on Pohatu, here's Gali.




    And in her classic colours:




    I tried something a bit different for this piece - I took a photo of the actual set and digitally traced over it. It’s a testament to the new sets’ flexibility that I was able to achieve an organic-looking pose.

    • Upvote 9
  6. - Perhaps the Lord of Skull Spiders can use mask powers by simply being in contact with masks?


    - The mask might have been created to keep the Skull Spiders under control, they may have been a threat/nuisance to the people of Okoto in the past.


    - Masks can be made with powers other than elements - Makuta wore the mask of control, that's not an element is it? (Also until we get confirmation, neither is Creation in this continuity)

    • Upvote 1


    Golden masks don't necessarily let them share the powers with others nearby, but they do seem to give the Toa greater power and access to special "moves" or "attacks."

    I suspected this, but this is the first I've heard of special attacks. Do we know exactly what these attacks are?


    They're listed as "signature moves" on the character bios on BIONICLE.com, and also on the relevant BS01 pages. For example, Pohatu's "moves" are "Kaboom-erang" and "Sandstorm", while Tahu's are "Lava Dash" and "Flame Spin".


    I don't see these 'signature moves' listed?


    Well it doesn't seem to be a power granted by her mask, and nowhere in her bio does it say she is amphibious.

    If you are a master of water but can't breathe under-exactly-that-water-you-can-control...


    I get your logic but I would think it would be an ability worth noting separately, like Kopaka's cold resistance.


    While I'm at it, I'll throw one more question into the mix: does Gali have any means of breathing underwater?

    Why not?


    Well it doesn't seem to be a power granted by her mask, and nowhere in her bio does it say she is amphibious. I'm wondering if she can operate underwater indefinitely or she would need to come up for air every so often.

  10. Thanks, that's a huge help.


    Golden masks don't necessarily let them share the powers with others nearby, but they do seem to give the Toa greater power and access to special "moves" or "attacks."

    I suspected this, but this is the first I've heard of special attacks. Do we know exactly what these attacks are?


    While I'm at it, I'll throw one more question into the mix: does Gali have any means of breathing underwater?

  11. Sorry if these are really dumb questions. But Bionicle.com is a bit unclear about it, and as far as I can tell there's no easy online resource for Bionicle 2.0's story info. I'm trying to work out the exact abilities of the new Toa.


    As far as I can tell, their masks are now the source of their elemental powers, and without the masks they have none? Also has it been said anywhere that removing their masks weakens them, as it did in the old storyline?


    What do the Golden Masks do?


    The character bios on the official website also note other powers the Toa have; for example Lewa can "commune with plants and the wind" and Onua has "night vision". I thought these might be secondary powers that the Toa possess even without their masks, but Tahu/Gali are noted as having "fire/water control" which is most likely another way of saying "fire/water elemental powers". So are the abilities noted under 'powers' all abilities granted by the masks? If so, why don't all six Toa have "(element) control" listed? Or can Tahu and Gali control their element even without their masks?


    I thought the new storyline was supposed to be simpler. :P


    • Upvote 1
  12. post-8134-0-87449200-1414842899_thumb.jpg <- (click for full size)


    Thought some of you might appreciate my posting this here. Galaxy Squad is one of my favourite Lego themes. I was in the mood to draw a 'realified' (IE not made of Lego) version of one of the sets. This was only intended to be a quick exercise to try out a couple things, but I had fun with it and ended up making it into a full piece with a background as well.

    I think I might 'realify' some more Lego sets in future.

    • Upvote 1

    Our muscles are gray, and since the metal is already colored, why color it?



    Real muscles are grey? Really? I mean, I know we usually see them when they still have some blood in them so they look red, but even without blood I wouldn't imagine them as actually being grey. Source?


    Most of our soft tissue is a grayish colour once the blood is drained - as you said, it's our blood that gives it colour. That's why corpses/zombies are usually gray. If you're not squeamish you can easily search for pictures I guess.

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