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Posts posted by Xethaios

  1. I'd make a few videogames. 


    First would be an FPS, as others have mentioned, and it would be set during the DH-Toa or BoM War(s), as others have mentioned. Pretty simple and straightforward.


    Second would be a Titanfall-style videogame. You're a Toa in an alternate universe where Toa are basically sellswords, ExoToa being the Titans. It'd play similar to Titanfall, with a storyline that somehow involves Dark Hunters and the BoM, though not aligned with any side. Non-canon.


    Third would be an RPG, a blend of Fallout/Skyrim (since they play similarly, if you think about it) with some Dark Souls combat thrown in. You'd play as some race, each with their own perks, or a renegade Toa, which is even in all, with a slight emphasis in strength.


    Fourth would be a Civ-type game. You're a Turaga, controlling a village as it expands and grows.


    Fifth would be an MMO, set in Spherus Magna or in Metru Nui, the frormer being after the main storyline and the latter set around the Toa-DH war, with the option to pick which side you're on in the second setting. Think KOTOR.

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  2. Before I begin, I'm not trying to be a hater or a troll. I just don't understand why people like this game. I like building things in virtual worlds as much as the next guy, hence my love for Forge and the reason for my membership on this site, but seriously? This game is a disgrace to Java. The graphics (which I know don't matter all that much) are made up of pixels and cubes. The whole 'Survival Mode' of the game isn't actually that difficult considering you can just barricade yourself in a massive, impressive castle where nothing can really harm you. Building mode is just playing around in a world without the effects of gravity and poorly rendered blocks. There aren't any boss monsters, which isn't really what the game is aiming for but still would be nice. All it ends up being is people making stupid things on their servers (my friend made an underground cavern full of brown wool known as 'Crapland') and making giant structures/cities. It becomes terribly repetitive after the first few days of building things and not having any real objective to set, such as a certain level. All you do is build things, and once you've built everything you wanted to the game is basically over. Fighting mobs isn't any fun because all it is is mindless clicking. Again, I'm not trying to troll. Just wondering out loud what it is people see in MC.

    If you played it that way, barricading yourself in a large castle, then you're enjoying it wrong. The entire point of Minecraft is to build and get your creations ravaged by creeper and endermen. And you've never made a mob grinder, have you? my guess in no. You've never watched a creeper slowly get burned, and then picked up the gunpowder it dropped.And personally, I'd rather spend my time playing a bad-graphic'd sandbox game than an insanely expensive, limited first-person shooter any day.
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