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Aussie Tahu Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Aussie Tahu Nuva

  1. No I don't, but I should make one.

  2. Good luck with high school, I managed to get through it, so you'll be fine.

  3. Yeah the Glatorian won't appear till February.

  4. What other Lego system products do you collect.

  5. Oh guess what the Agori are out I saw them in Myers, Target, and KMart.

  6. I have $1000 in my bank

  7. I like the new picture.

  8. Yeah I saw them, I wish I had that much money to buy an army like that.

  9. I haven't seen any high quality pics yet.

  10. I didn't know the group name, but I've seen the pictures on brickshelf.

  11. Yeah, what is it, sorry for the late reply, I've been out all day and had work till 12 midnight.

  12. You could probably act out a fight between Skrall and Gresh, like on the commercial.

  13. Hmm. So you should decide what is worth spending your hard earned money on, sort out your priorities.

    Ask yourself:

    Is it worth it?

    Am I prepared to spend that much?

    Should I wait till it comes out on sale?

    You should also look at picture reviews to decide if you really like the set.

  14. Yeah I always had to wait ages for them to come out because my parents wouldn't pay full price for them, but now that I'm working I have an account that is purely for LEGO.

  15. Well keep at least $250, for the sets and when they come out, shop around to find the cheapest store that has them. Big W would probably be the cheapest, although they will get them a lot later than other department and toy stores.

  16. That would be cool, so have you decided yet if you are going to buy them yet

  17. Look at it this way. Do you really want them that badly now, and by the way if you order them now you will still have to wait up to at least 18 days for them to arrive, that will be the 29th, and they are coming out in February, so it wouldn't be too long before they are out after that. And it was worth it for me because I ordered them at the end of last year, so overall if I were you, I would

  18. No there weren't any catches they delivered it in 13 days, and everything went smoothly, sorry for the late reply though, I had work today.

  19. What are you also planning to spend the money on?

  20. I've uploaded my Glatorian photos to my brickshelf go check them out when the are public

  21. I ordered all the Glatorian, Agori, and Titans off the LEGO Shop on Boxing Day, they arrived yesterday, after 13 days. Check my brickshelf later when they are public.

  22. Fero and Skirmix is really good, he's bigger than I thought, and the recolours are great.

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