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Toa Hovoki Zehvor

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Status Updates posted by Toa Hovoki Zehvor

  1. I'm bbbaaaaaaccccckkkkkk!

  2. That I came back and saw your epic?

    I was never gone you know.

  3. what happenned to tbttrah?

    are you going to restart it?

  4. I think the comic was the best

    drawn bionicle

    comic yet!

    looking forward

    to the mar-april


  5. cool and merry chrisymas

  6. you like kingdom hearts?

  7. yes im a toa and youre a seeker.

  8. I forget how to update it but matoran 6/6

    phantoka 6/6

    mistika 1/6

    titans 1/4

    vheichles 0/5

  9. really? i think i might have actually met you.

    was canada fun?

  10. yep im a canadian.


  11. typing from a friends house again and ive got good news:

    my computer is fixed! im about to go pick it up.

  12. I stayed up all night for canada day!

  13. wow! I didnt know I could comment myself!

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