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Johnny Hobbs

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Posts posted by Johnny Hobbs

  1. Fleshgod Apocalypse anyone??

    amazing, amazing band. loved Agony, even though though the clean vocals sounded so strained. would be seeing them live but the Glamour Kills tour is coming here the same day they are, and i've already seen All Shall Perish live.
    Man I saw them at Summer Slaughter last year with TBDM and they totally killed. I suggest you see them the next time they come through your area then. I swear the drummer is an octopus hahaha.
  2. Just downloaded the new Veil of Maya. Simply incredible. But just like [id], it is just way too short in length. 10 tracks clocking in at under 30 minutes is a little disappointing at times to me, especially when everything else is so good. Definitely gonna be buying it next time i see them play though.

  3. Not sure if I should ask this here, but can I get an estimate on how much a very good complete Power Pack could go for on ebay? I've checked on there and no one is selling one. I have the box in great condition, the Bionicle music/enhanced CD with no scratches in the jewel case with insert all in great condition, the Chrome Hau completely unmarked, and the mctoran Hafu with disc and all pieces in perfect condition. Any estimate would be appreciated.

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